Friday, September 13, 2013

A productive day

I got up soon after Chris left. I guess because we went to bed a little early that I did not need as much sleep. I read my e-mail and listened to audios. One of them was a 15 minute mantra meditation. I clipped the corners from the fabric I bought yesterday and put it in the washer. I did a search for gold civil war fabric on internet, hoping to match the piece I bought in January. No luck there. I juiced carrots and celery, and drank a glass before breakfast. I read yesterday that the juice is best on an empty stomach. I hard-boiled a dozen eggs from Wednesday. I even made mayo, and cleaned the juicer while listening to audios. While ironing the fabric dry, I played an interview with Bruce Lipton, a geneticist. It was really good. I folded the fabric and put it away. I was going to cook the last half of a cake of fermented soybeans, but it was moldy. Sure, I like fermented foods, but I prefer to ferment them on purpose. I laid in sun and played another audio. I am not sure how it came up, but I looked up how to draw Sri Yantra. It was not easy. I watched two videos on it, and tried it out. Then I read a pdf of a different method and tried it again. Even with a compass, I still could not get all the intersections to line up. Chris came home and made meat loaf for supper. I had a salad too. After supper I tried drawing Sri Yantra in MS paint, both ways. I looked online for a quilt pattern. Although at least two people have done it, no one seems to be sharing/selling the pattern. We watched two episodes of Warehouse 13 and went to bed.
*  This is Lisa with her stripe quilt.  *

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