Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Surpirse fabric

I was awakened by a series of loud, rapid booms. I looked out the window expecting to see that my car had blown up. I looked out all the windows for smoke or anything out of the ordinary. The only thing I noticed was the time blinking on the microwave. It must have been a transformer (or 5). I read e-mail, and listened to audios. I exercised and cleaned veggies for juicing. This time I used the older juicer to see if it made more juice. And it did. Because the chute was smaller, the kale was more concentrated and got cut up better. However, cleaning up was no easier. Do the engineers that design juicers give any thought to how easy they are to wash? As I was eating breakfast, I got an e-mail from the secretary at church that three boxes of fabric had been donated from another church and did I have any interest in going through them? When I stopped hyperventilating, I called her and told her I'd be right over. I had to dress better, brush my teeth and take my vitamins. As I walked to my car, I saw that two very large webs had been built since yesterday. One of them was so big I had to drive through it. Too bad, so sad. Maybe the spider will think twice before building there again. At the church Linda showed me where it was and pulled the boxes out. I went through three of them, pulling out what I liked, minus what I thought the church could use for costumes. I tried not to be greedy. But when I went to say goodbye and thank her, she talked about me taking the rest to donate to one of my quilting groups. It was after one when I left. When I got home the sun was shining, so I laid out in the back yard. Then, I raked the pinecones out of the front yard and mowed it. A truck came to fix the transformers. The old guy next door sat in his driveway to watch the repairs. Either that, or he was really watching me mow in my bathing suit. Then it was time for a shower. After that, I took my laptop with audio downstairs to play while I cut red strips for tomorrow night's strip exchange. I cut 7 different reds before I realized that the point was to give 7 alike and get back 7 different. I cut more. When I came up, Chris was home and making meatloaf. I helped a little and finished the audio. I also worked on Sri Yantra until the intersections wouldn't match and I decided that I would have to start over.  When the meatloaf was done, I was eating a salad and there wasn't time to eat more before I had to leave for choir practice. I left without my watch. When I got there, I looked at my car clock and it was wrong. Must have happened when they changed the battery. Practice went well. I saw that the benches up front had new seats. Lars told me all about it. He also had the leftover fabric. I took a pic of the new pulpit cloth, then I came home. Chris was ready to watch TV, so we saw two episodes of Warehouse 13. 
*  This pic is from the quilt shop  *

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