Monday, September 9, 2013

Rally Day

My apologies to those who were looking for my blog last night. It was a long day. Lets see if I can remember it.
My phone alarm went off at 8. I got up soon after to skim e-mail, eat and shower. At 9 I heard Chris' phone alarm. I reminded him that church today was at 9:30. So he got up and showered while I got dressed. I grabbed my trombone and we went to church. We walked around to the back where a tent was set up. But the bulletins were in a basket in the hallway leading out to the tent, so I had to go back for one while Chris checked on the grill. The service started late, but it was ok. The weather was warm and getting warmer. After the service, there were tents with games set up for the kids. The adults played bingo under the big canopy. I was wearing my long green skirt. Even though it was gauzy, it was still hot. I kept ducking inside the building to cool off. I practiced with the music group for later. At noon every one lined up for burgers and hotdogs cooked by Chris and several other men. I moved my trombone on its stand to the front by the keyboard and waited. When everyone was seated and eating, the music started. Jim and I played instruments while Doris and Mark sang. Two songs. Then The Luthermen sang two songs. Someone played a hymn. Baskets were raffled. Then Mary played the keyboard as I played America the Beautiful and My Country tis of thee. I packed up to go home, but I could not find Chris. I looked everywhere except the men's room. When he emerged, we left for the grocery store. We brought our load of food home and put it away. I exchanged the skirt for a pair of shorts. I ate lunch (all I had at church was lettuce, tomatoes and a piece of watermelon). Then I took my handsewing projects and drove to the storage facility where we meet once a month. I sewed binding, one quilted, another traced hexagons, read magazines and we all conversed. I was home just after 6. Chris was watching something in the basement. I ate supper and juiced two glasses of carrots and celery. I watched the end of “Alexander” with Chris. Then he ate his supper while I rested. Then we saw three episodes of “Forever Night”. When they were over, it was 11:30 so we just went to bed.

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