Monday, September 9, 2013

This quilt has feet

I got up at 8. I read the latest e-mail, exercised, and folded laundry. I ate my breakfast, and took a shower. I packed my lunch, a thermos of lemon water and tw o projects. I arrived at the church by 11. My first project was to work on the Linus Christmas quilt. I took off the top and bottom borders in order to add an inner border of red. Then I worked on the brown and orange quilt, replacing the new corner edges with newer, closer matching fabric. Bertha gave me her scraps. Roberta gave me scraps of t-shirt material. Dinah brought elongated grapes for lunch called Witch's Fingers. They were such a hit that Alice went to Publix to buy some for all those who wanted their own. I left at 4:15 to cook a cow tongue. The other ladies didn't seem to think they were missing anything. When I got home, I put the tongue in a pot of water. While it was cooking, I ate some tomatoes and fish. I checked e-mail, Chris came home, He made his own supper. I ate some of the tongue and put the rest away. I picked some sweet red peppers for both of us. I made a salad. I put together a small Swanson's order for three things that are running out to take advantage of the free shipping over $50. I made a list of things that need doing so I wouldn't forget later. Then we watched several episodes of Forever Knight. I was surprised to learn that the setting is in Canada.
*  This is the Christmas quilt for Linus project.  The inner border helps, but ...  *

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