Saturday, September 21, 2013

Never ending audios

During the night the wind blew and it rained heavily. The rain continued steadily through the morning. So the first item of business was to check the basement. It was dry, and the garage was mostly dry. I read e-mail, and listen to audios. I ordered a 4 pack of flax and chia seeds. It was almost 1 when I quit to go to the quilt show at University Baptist Church, which is today and tomorrow. I walked in near the end of a bed turning, although it was just two tables at the bottom of the pile. I walked around, taking pictures. The quilts and quilted items were draped over chairs and tables, eliminating the need to have sleeves

. The group sponsoring the show invited to their Tuesday group, which starts early and breaks up about the time I would arrive. I came home and finished an audio. I played next audio while working on Sri Yantra downstairs using a printout. I talked to Dad on the phone, and was encouraged to hear that Mom is getting acupuncture. I was going to suggest it. I was amused to hear that my mom was called for jury duty. Dad said he needed a note from the Dr., but I think if he brought her, they would understand. I played another audio – where are they all coming from? There seem to be way more than usual. Burt Goldman had a 15 minute quantum jump, so at least that one was short. Chris was gaming by then. He told me that Michele is having a friend meet her in Osaka so she won't be alone. I went outside to eat a peach. Then I picked a pepper. Craig was by his garden so he asked me if I wanted some cayenne peppers. So he picked me a handful. He talked about cleaning up the city's easement at the back of our yards (which he and Glenn did). I tasted one of the peppers, but did not finish it because it was so hot. I listened to a 20 minutes visualization. Then I thought I should pull out the undergowth while the ground was wet. This was near the easement. I wet my pants pulling some of the larger plants. So I had to use a shovel. When I put the shovel away, I noticed that there were 2 spiders in the nearby web. I don't think I have ever seen such a thing before. Having adjoining webs is romantic, but sharing the same web? I cleaned my shoes and went in. I wrote some notes for my blog, and checked e-mail. I used the pingpong table in the garage to lay out Sri Yantra. I measured all the angles, and checked every line, but could not determine why it wasn't working. Finally I got out another piece of paper and laid it out to flatten overnight. Chris was still gaming when I came up. I think I'm going to bed, even if there are more audios.

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