Thursday, December 19, 2013

Busy Day

I woke up at 7:25, which was good since I had a lot to do. I checked e-mail, listened to the tapping part of an audio, and exercised. I juiced most of the vegetables that were left in the refrigerator. I took the recyclables out to the road. I raked in the front yard, then took a shower. I placed a bucket under the faucet to catch the drips. I got dressed, then took splinters out of my foot with a highpowered magnifying glass. Chris came home to get me for lunch. I played the hymn for Sunday on my trombone while he was in the bathroom. Chris drove us to Conners for lunch with his boss and coworker and their wives. On the way back we stopped at the onpost library for books on CD. As I paused to go in the bathroom, he said “I'll meet you at the books.” I knew what he meant, but it sounded funny in a library. We got 4 books, then went to the church to pick up the gift Jennifer left for me. I did not unwrap it, but it feels like a paperback book. When we got home, I checked the bucket and it was overflowing. Chris had been saying my finger was infected and should be re-opened and cleaned out. So I said let's do it now. He poked and prodded at it and decided it was healing ok on it's own. I checked my e-mail again. Then I fixed 3 breakfasts and packed the remainder of each item in the food box for next week. I ate one of the breakfasts and put the other two in the icebox. Then I made a salad from the remaining greens and sprouts. I put on my name tag and went to the guild meeting. I turned in a canned item for a raffle ticket, and my bag of strips to the strip swap. Mirna brought my quilt, and I wrote her a check for quilting it. I was tempted to take and post a pic, but then it won't be a surprise for the recipient. At least 3 Stitch-It ladies told me they missed me today at the Thursday group. I was touched since I haven't been going there all that long. After a short business meeting, (including the revelation of the challenge theme - Summer) and show-n-tell, we lined up to eat desserts. Lucky for me there was a fruit platter at the end of the dessert tables. For our program we made cards for the veterans home. We were given markers, glue sticks, and assorted little gems. Mirna and I made a card, and I am sorry I did not think to take a picture of it. Then they raffled off the jars in the middle of the table. That took longer than one would expect. I left at 9. When I got home, we watched one episode of Bones. Then I helped Chris replace light bulbs in the den and in the computer room. I remembered to eat a raw garlic clove mixed with hummus, and drink a glass of vit C water. Then I wrote to my blog as best I could remember and went to bed.

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