Thursday, December 5, 2013

The ants are back

I got up after 8.  I wanted to get to Stitch-its early, so I hurried through my morning routine.  I did not read as much e-mail and I did not meditate.  I did put out Terro for the ants who were enjoying the suddenly warm weather.  I only took one small project to work on – the yellow quilt.  As it turned out, they did not have the activity that I was expecting, so all I worked on was that project and I finished the hexagon block.  Listening to the conversations around me was more interesting.   One pair was heatedly discussing football, Alabama and Auburn.  Later a lady told us how she was a retired expert in demolition and weapons of mass destruction.   Maybe quilters are not the kindly little old ladies that we think they are.  The lady next to me told me about how she did not like doctors or medicines.  She showed me a draw-string bag she had made and I think I would like to make one. Near 2, I started packing up my machine and supplies.  My block was finished and pressed. Then I remembered that I was supposed to return a phone call at 1.  So I immediately called.  Later I decided that I should have gone home first.  The call lasted over 2 hours.  It could have gone longer, but the daylight was fading and I wanted to get home before dark.  When I got home, I went out barefoot to rake leaves until I couldn’t see anymore.  About that time, Chris came home with DVD’s from the library on post.  We walked in together.  The kitchen was full of ants.  The Terro I put out earlier was gone.  I put out some new terro and they lapped it up.  In fact, it was so surrounded by ants that I put out a second piece.  I crooned to them, encouraging them to eat up, and invite their friends.  Chris said I worried him.  I had salad for supper, and a sweet potato, and some blueberries.  I read e-mail.  Then, around 7, we went down to watch 2 episodes of Inspector Lynley before going to bed.

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