Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Getting stuff done

t was 8:13 when I got up to read e-mail with my HappyLight. I exercised, juiced, and made breakfast. Then I remember to put the package on the porch for the mailman to pick up. I played the piano to hear a little bit of Christmas music. I went out to rake leaves and there came the postman. I gave him the package and he commented on my bare feet. I told him that the ground was warmer than the air. After raking leaves and pinestraw, I went inside to cut yellow strips for tomorrow night. Then I digitized the names of Chris' coworker and her husband. I embroidered them on a piece of Christmas fabric. I gathered some flat lace, and sewed it to two edges of the fabric. (I should have used the ruffler - it would have been faster)  Then I wrapped it around a cardboard tube and whip-stitched it on, tying the ends with green ribbon. I called the rental agent to report a dripping faucet and the outside lights not fixed. She promised both would be taken care of either tomorrow or Friday. Knowing her husband would be coming by, I cleaned up in kitchen and den and bathroom. I also cleaned up water on the floor in the masterbath. We cannot figure out where it came from. I made up bottles of supplements for the days I will be gone for Christmas. I read e-mail, listening to audios until Chris came home an hour late. We ate supper. I pulled splinters from my left foot. I started watching a TQS show, and when I knew he was ready, we watched 2 episodes of Bones. Then he went to bed while I finished the show, and my blog post.

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