Sunday, December 22, 2013

Church music

I slept on and off during the night. My finger would wake me up if it touched something. Then something started beeping, like an alarm. It went off after 60 seconds but came back on later. The third time I grabbed it (couldn't see it in the dark) and shut it up in the utility room. Either Dad or Chris got up at 7. Chris kissed me and left for Alabama before 7:30. I stayed in bed (on the couch) a little longer, then got up to fix my breakfast. It was too early to eat, so I got Mom up and dressed, then fed her. Finally I had to get myself cleaned up and dressed for church. We hoped to be early so I could practice with the organist, but Mom had an accident at the last minute so we were late. I let Dad drive since I was afraid to drive his behemoth station wagon. However, by the time we got to church his driving had convinced me that anything I did would have been better. He did not fall asleep, but he did eat while driving. We got there as the choir was warming up in the basement. There was no time to practice with the organist and I was an anxious wreck. Faye helped Mom to get settled in the church. Dad ran downstairs, and I unpacked my trombone, which I set up just inside the sanctuary doors. I sat alone in the front pew. During the service I realized that my music was still in my case. I looked through the bulletin to find a good time to run out and get it. I tapped through the readings and hymns to calm myself. During the hymn before the sermon, I got my music. Dad came down from the choir (after a very nice anthem) and sat beside me, dozing off. I woke him several times during the sermon so he would not fall over. But he needed the rest, so I moved to where he was leaning on me and let him sleep. I woke him for the last hymn and then it was my time. I walked up front with my trombone and music, nodding to the organist. She played a few measures of introduction, and then we played two verses of Angels We Have Heard on High. It went well. After the postlude many people came by to show their appreciation. After I packed up, I went into the multipurpose room to fellowship and have some fruit. Faye got to look at my finger and decided it wasn't a hematoma after all. She splinted it with a popsicle stick and some tape to immobilize the joint so it could heal faster. She said she learned how to splint by watching the doctors in surgery. Only they used more expensive stuff. She drove Dad to Subway for their Sunday meal. When they came back, we all went to the mall. I drove the station wagon and followed Faye there. The three of them ate subs and I ate seaweed and fermented nut cheese. Then Dad went walking while we ladies went shopping. First we went to a calendar store for a quilt-themed calendar. They did not have one, but gave me a coupon for free shipping in case I ordered one from their site. Then, at Faye's suggestion, we took Mom shoe-shopping, finding something close at Macy's and ordering it in the correct size and color. We continued to shop at Penney's and found a few gifts there. Then we met up with Dad, and had Mom practice her walking and stretching. It was a lot of work for Faye, but she did it tirelessly. Faye fed Mom another Ensure, and we parted ways. I drove our parents home, in the dark and the rain, but with great faith that we would not hit anything I couldn't see. When we got home, I ate a sweet potato with butter, and kimchi, and hummus with fresh garlic. I finally got my vitamins for the day. Dad made bowls of ice cream and peaches for them. I fed Mom and then worked on the binding of the quilt. It was after 10 when I took Mom back to put her to bed. I put a pair of my eyeshades on her because Dad leaves the light on. Then I skimmed my e-mail while Dad readied the garbage. I plan to go to bed after publishing this post.

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