Sunday, December 8, 2013

Golden braided goodness

I heard my phone alarm go off at 8.  I did not get up right away.  Then I remembered that a shepherd costume needed to be shortened and I hadn’t done it.  Thinking it would be a quick job, I ran downstairs to do it.  But because it had an A-line hem, it was not quick.  I pinned it up, and then decided it wasn’t really needed until Wednesday.  I ate breakfast, skimmed e-mail, and took a shower.  After getting dressed, I put everything needed for one of the silver tu-tus in a bag for Cecelia.  Then I grabbed the gold tu-tu in progress and it went into a bag.  I ran out the door to my car.  When I got to church, the kids were practicing for the play.  I watched for a while, then pulled Elizabeth aside for a moment to try the tu-tu around her waist.  I spent the rest of the time hand-sewing on the band waiting for church to start.  April asked me if I needed any help sewing costumes, so I gave her the bag with the silver tu-tu material.  Cecelia did not come to church.  Shannon asked me if my hands hurt after all the sewing.  I did not think so then, but noticed it profoundly during the service.  Chris arrived just before the service started.  At communion I noticed Denise and her husband.  I was surprised since I hadn’t thought to invite her.  After church I got some silver ribbon off the roll I gave April, then I joined Chris in talking to Denise and David.  I also talked to Dawn.  In the multi-purpose room I talked to Jennifer, who told me that there was a dress rehearsal on Saturday at 2, for which my presence was requested.  We drove home and changed clothes.  I cut a piece of liver for lunch and sliced two fingers on the badly chipped edge of the small glass baking pan.  I put a bandage on before we went grocery shopping.  We got all the usual stuff and some for baking bread.  When the food was put away, Chris boiled eggs.  I put special bread ingredients in the bread machine to mix.   Then I plugged in my HappyLight while  I read e-mail and listened to an audio.  Mirna called to say she’d meet me at the church at 4 to decorate for the party tomorrow.  I went downstairs to find my greenery.  I threw it and some other things in a bag.  The tissue covers went in, too.  I found the red circle that was destined to be a tree, but did not have time to cut it.  When the bread machine was finished mixing, I cleaned and dusted the countertop with flour.  I divided the dough into thirds and rolled them into strips to be braided.  I left it to rise and started another loaf in the bread machine.  Then I got myself ready and drove to church.  Mirna was putting out tablecloths.  We decorated the tables with cloths and wrapped packages.and wished we could do the walls, too.   But tape on walls is a no-no.  We agreed to meet tomorrow at 10 with command strips and binder clips.  I went home in the rain, which seems never-ending.  Either someone is having a drought, or the ocean is getting low.  I put the risen loaf in the oven.  Chris was having supper, so I ate, too.  I started a third loaf.  So many parties this week, so little time.  I hunted up binder clips and command strips and a butter dish.  When the second braided bread wreath was set out to rise, we went down to watch a few episodes of Forever Knight.   Then I baked the second loaf and braided the third loaf which went into the freezer for Thursday.  Waiting for the second one to bake, I wrote my blog and picked out fabric for the gift bag.  Sadly I did not have room on my cutting table to cut the size squares I wanted.  I took the bread out of the oven and photographed it, then left it to cool while I finished sewing.

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