Monday, December 30, 2013

A good day to be a carnivore

I did not sleep well last night despite being tired. I heard Chris roll the garbage out to the curb and then went back to sleep. I think I woke up again before 9. I read e-mail, did my exercises, and used the HappyLight. I posted to my blog for yesterday.  I searched for a quilt magazine article from 2012 requested by a member on Facebook, but I did not have it. I juiced a large cucumber, sprouts, and carrots. After juicing, I made breakfast. I worked out a Swanson's order. Two, actually, since I wanted to take advantage of two offers and there was enough on the list to do that. After breakfast, I took a shower and got dressed. I packed a lunch including nut cheese and a sheet of nori ripped into 4 pieces. Then I had to come up with a project to work on at quilting today. I needed to unpack the project box before I could re-pack it with something new. I decided to work on the Linus quilt started back in June or July. By the time I was ready to leave, it was after noon. The group at the church was small. Joan was there and I gave her the rest of the train track fabric. I was glad to see Lauri doing well, but heard that her back surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. I hope it goes well. Barbara was not there because her doctor sent her to the hospital with pneumonia and dehydration this morning. Cheryl came in later and we all prayed for Barbara. I stayed until 4:30, adding wonky strips to the blocks. I shall never do another one of these again. When I got home, it was dark and Chris had already come home and brought the garbage can in. I brought my project box in, leaving the machine in the car. I never ate my lunch, so the nut cheese went back in the fridge. I noticed it was getting low, so I prepared another batch to soak overnight.  I was going to cook the beef tongue defrosted from yesterday. But Chris had beef roasts in the oven, as well as sweet potatoes. So I had a few bites of kimchi to tide me over 'till it was done. I read my e-mail, and followed a few links. We ate supper in front of our laptops. Chris showed me the shirt he wanted patched. Later we watched the last three episodes of Forever Knight. I looked up Vauchon because the actor looked familiar. Chris went to bed and I stayed up just long enough to blog and tap.

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