Thursday, April 3, 2014

A little fabric here, a little fabric there...

Not sure when I woke up, but it turned out to be 6:24 when I got up. I turned off the alarm, and quickly scanned my e-mail. It was 78 in the house last night so I left the windows open. It was still 75 when I got up. But I closed the windows so I could play an audio without disturbing the neighbors. I did my drybrushing and exercises. Then I showered and juiced. While I drank the juice, I listened to a short meditation. It wasn't long, but enough that after I made breakfast, there was not time to eat it. I put it into a jar and took it along with the lunch I packed last night. I grabbed my sewing machine and stuff and drove to the church on Westmoreland. All of the ladies but one were waiting in Linda's suv. I put my stuff in the back and the last lady drove up. Linda was so absorbed in programming her Garmin, that I ate my breakfast without asking if I could eat in her car. We drove a little over an hour north and I realized that we were at Hammers, the same place I went with the Tuesday group on Friday. I did buy a few pieces that either were not there on Friday or I missed. We were there to pass the time until Dechard Needleworks opened. It was not far away. He specialized in 30's prints, and civil war prints. I was hopeful of finding the gold/cream fabric that I ran out of a year ago, but he did not have it. Lunch was delivered for those who ordered and paid. I ate broccoli with hummus, an apple, an egg and coconut water. After lunch I sewed at my machine. Other ladies had handwork, or just sat and talked. The owner showed us some of his quilts and said he gives classes for free as long as you buy the pattern and fabric there. When I paid for the fabric I bought, I elected to get an electronic receipt. He said the database already knows what e-mail to send it to. I thought that was a little scary, but he said it only knows because I entered it in some previous transaction. Little did I know it would get sent to Chris.  Around 2 we loaded up in the suv and came home. My carload wants to get together for another road trip to other stores. Three of them are also taking the bus to Paducah. I picked up my car at the church and came home. The ladies said it would rain tonight so I mowed as much of the backyard as I could. I plugged the mower in to recharge then came upstairs to read e-mail. I found my seedlings exceedingly dry, so I watered them really well.  At 6:30 I went out to mow again. It did not last long, but I got the yard inside the fence done. I did some tapping for old issues (from 7th grade I think). I listened to a couple of audios. I made a new batch of nut cheese. I put out ant bait, and wiped down the countertops and scrubbed the sink. I worked on the binding for the wonky block quilt. I practiced my trombone music for Easter. I defrosted some ground beef, but then it was too late to eat it, so it went back in the fridge. Around 10 I wrote to my blog then went to bed.

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