Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Seeing the eye doctor

I got up about 7, thinking about Jodie coming at 9. She went on the trip Friday and said she'd be over at 9 today to teach me how to drive stick. When she asked me what I wanted to learn, I think she meant quilting lessons. Anyway, I had not heard from hersince and not knowing her, did not know what that meant. I cleared e-mail quickly. Chris wrote last night that he would skype me at 1, so I looked forward to that. Then I did my range of mobility exercises. I tried bouncing, but it did not feel good. In fact, my back was giving me pain. So I decided to take the meds. But first I put the check in the mail, and then juiced because the meds are not to be taken on an empty stomach. I was listening to an audio and I saw a roach. I decided it was not worth the risk to go after it. Then Jodie called, saying she'd been sick but was feeling better and could come right over. I told her I needed to lay down and take care of my back. She prayed for me over the phone. After she hung up, I got out my meds and laid them by the glass of water. Then I fixed breakfast. Since one is not supposed to drive after taking the meds, after breakfast I drove to post to check the mail. On the way back, I stopped for kimbap and cashed a check that has been sitting in my wallet for some time. I was feeling better, so I ate some of the kimbap and took my laptop outside to watch the latest episode of The Quilt Show. It was hard to see the screen, but the sun on my skin felt so good. I would have rather laid out in a bathing suit, but did not want to take the chance that I couldn't get up again. Due to the weather, I opened some windows. I made up a weeks worth of supplements, and got online to order more. I skyped with Chris at 1. It was 6am his time. After that, I checked the snail mail. Rebecca sent me a card she made, and a note on paper she made. It was beautiful. Then I took a shower. I sewed panels of scraps together in the basement until 3:35. Then I sat outside to wait for Carolyn. She drove me to the eye doctor and walked around the strip mall while I filled out paperwork and had my eyes examined. I had to read sets of letters with both eyes and then with each eye. You'd think I would have them memorized by now. She said I had a lot of astigmatism in my right eye and thought it was too much to correct all at once. Then she dilated my eyes and put me back in the waiting room for awhile. Carolyn was there waiting for me. Then I got called back. She shone lights in my eyes to see the retina. But she seemed concerned about the left eye – my good one. I had to sign a form authorizing special pictures. More bright lights. Then she told me I had an abnormal freckle on the retina and wanted me to see a specialist. I paid and then asked if they could put the new prescription in the old frames. She said they could so I had to surrender my glasses for a week or two. Then Carolyn took me home. I might have been able to drive, but was glad I did not have to. I collected greens from the backyard to add to my salad. I ate some ham defrosted from the freezer. I put quinoa in a jar to soak, and some cashews with sunflower seeds in another jar. I did a lot of tapping, some with Youtube and some with scripts on my laptop. I practiced my trombone, both standing and walking. I put my meds away, glad that I did not have to take them after all. Then it was time for bed.
*  These tiny blooms are sweet and remind me of honeysuckle.  *

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