Sunday, April 20, 2014

skyped for Easter

I got up at 6:19, read the time and went back to bed for 10 minutes. My phone alarm went off at 6:30. I boiled water, then emptied the dishwasher. I added fermented coconut milk to the extra breakfast I made yesterday. I ate most of it while reading e-mail. At 6:56 the sun popped up in the kitchen window blinding me and making it hard to read the computer screen. I took a shower, then put on a skirt and blouse. It fastened in the back and Chris was not there to help me, so it took some time. It also needed a necklace, but even then I did not like it and was going to change the whole outfit when I noticed the time and had to run out of the house in the first pair of shoes I found. I got to church 10 minutes before the service, which was enough but I had planned more. We played through first service. I mentally ticked off each hymn as we played it. Between services, I talked to several people. Erin showed on her phone pictures of the tomb she and her sons built, and how they woke up to discover that there was no Jesus in tomb this morning. Somehow I missed seeing the children put flowers on the cross, but I did get to see the finished product. Then it was time to play for the second service. It was the same music but in a different order. At the end I quoted my favorite words of Jesus - “It is finished.” I wonder if he felt the same relief I was feeling as I drove home. When I got home, I changed my clothes. I had just as hard a time unfastening the hook as I did when I put it on. Then I finished breakfast and checked e-mail. I wanted to go grocery shopping, but Publix was closed for Easter. So I laid in the wonderfully warm sun for awhile. I ate some frozen ham and read e-mail. Kurt Skyped me for about an hour. Then I watered my tomatoes. I was preparing to go down and sew when Chris skyped me. We also talked for about an hour. He seems to enjoy his job and is keeping VERY busy at it. So then I did go down and sew. I was also listening to a Feng Shui audio when Faye skyped me so that I could talk to her and Kevin and Mom and Dad. After she hung up, I made 4 more red blocks, a little brighter than the 4 previous blocks. It was almost 9 so I came up to tap for an hour and write to my blog.

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