Friday, May 23, 2014

Fun with photos

I was surprised to hear the alarm go off at 8 because it seemed much earlier than that. I deleted the easily deletable e-mails. I drank water and swished with oil. I tried to get the splinter out of my toe, but there was just not enough light. I tried planking and several other core exercises, but I did not want to take any chances with my back. I listed to audios while I juiced and ate breakfast. Rebecca called to say she was in the area and to invite me to lunch. I had to decline, so she came over with her lunch. After she ate, we looked at the kaleidoscope software. it sounds repetitive, but it was lots of fun and I think she might buy her own. We talked about making one of Barbara, but neither of us had a good picture of her. Then we went down to look at books of quilting patterns for the borders of Barbara's quilt. After perusing many books, we found one we both liked for its simplicity and effect. She left about 5. I ate supper (lunch) and read e-mail. I played around with the software, making kaleidoscopes out of photos on my laptop. Then I made a veggie smoothie with the Bullet. Still not smooth.  I stacked and ran the dishwasher. I went downstairs to watch “Accidental Husband”. Then I came up to look up one of the characters that I think I have seen before, but I don't remember any of the things he's been in. I looked on the kaleidoscope software website for tutorials. And now it is time to go to bed.
*  This is a magnolia blossom which is beginning to bloom in water  *

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