Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Close Shave

The temp dropped last night so I closed the windows then, and it was cool this morning. I woke up early but laid in bed until I felt ready to get up. That turned out to be 7. I read e-mail, drank multiple glasses of water, tapped, and did my exercises. I organized the recyclables and took them out to the curb. I turned the calendar pages and packed 3 breakfasts and the food box while Faye vacuumed.  Kurt took Faye's car to Barnes and Noble.  She and I went to Stitch-its. I put my face next to hers and asked if anyone could guess who she was.  They said 'Your mother!", but it was only because we were silhouetted in front of  a window and all they could see was her grey hair.  I got no work done, only talking. Faye worked on a plastic canvas project. We stayed until 2:45, then went home to find Kurt sleeping. We ate lunch, then woke him up. I put a box in the back of my car and we went to the farm. Alison gave us some strawberries from the pick-your-own farm. We bought soap and honey and eggs. She gave us a feed sack of horse manure. She is very proud of her chickens, and showed us the mealy worms she grows to supplement their feed. When we got home, Faye washed her shoes while I put the eggs away. Then I shaved Kurt's head. Afterwards she and Kurt went to supper at Panda while I packed. I finished packing the food box, ate the rest of the salad, and started on the suitcase. I put laundry in the washing machine, and picked up around the house. Faye and Kurt came home from Walmart. While they tried to stay out of the way, I ironed one last piece of fabric, and replaced the elastic in a pair of pants, and did another load of laundry. Faye pulled a large suitcase off of a shelf for me and I found a quilt that I thought was missing for 6 years. There were also a few shirts, some of which fit and will accompany me on my trip. I called and made hotel reservations for tomorrow night. A little more packing, and getting the last load of laundry will complete the evening.

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