Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day or Chris' birthday, depending on where you are

I got up a little after 8, disappointed that the phone alarm either did not go off or did not wake me. I reset it for 9 so I could hear it. When it rang, it was so quiet and soothing that it wouldn't wake someone on coffee. I read e-mail and went through my usual routine. By the time I got to breakfast it was 11. Then I packed a lunch, and put needles and hoops in my sewing box. I figured I would work on Barbara's quilt and invite others to join me. I also put in the set of red squares as a back up project. I am glad I did because Jodi did not come, so neither did Barbara's quilt. So I sewed all the red squares together and pressed the seams open. Then I ate my lunch, which was significantly later than the others ate. Because it was Memorial Day, they had potato salad and pork barbeque and chocolate cheesecake. Dinah decorated the table very nicely. My second project of the day was to sew the 16- patch squares together. I placed them on the design wall and Laurie helped me reorganize them. Them I started sewing. But I stopped when I remembered that I needed to save something to do for the Thursday group. I took my projects home. I ate some kimchi and finished up the eggs. I was going to mow, but then Dad called to return my call on Saturday and he told me how it was such a bad day 'cause Mom fell. Again. After I talked to him, I went out to rake the tall grass under the magnolia so I could mow it. But it was hard raking, and then I heard thunder. So I went ahead and mowed it before it could get wet and harder to mow. There was power left in the battery, so I mowed the worst of the back yard and some in the front yard and some in the side yard. I put the mower away and thought about the weedeater we bought. Thinking I could just plug it in and go, I opened the box and started reading the instructions. Some assembly required. Groan. I had to install the guard, which did not look like the picture until I realized the trimmer was rotated the wrong way. Then a handle had to be installed. And finally, the daylight faded. I guess it is ready for tomorrow. So I turned my attention to the circular border. I have a plan B, but I remember seeing it used on a quilt in a book. So I got out that book and could not find it in there. But I did see an interesting piecing technique which I was tempted to try. I looked through a few other books, but no dice. Then I came across a book on tessellations. It is not a quilting book, but any of the diagrams could be made into quilts. I realized that I missed supper. So, I came up and made a broccoli and sprout smoothie, with sea salt and fiber powder. It was reasonable. I then remembered that earlier in the day I had had a great idea for a smoothie with a banana in it. But sadly I forgot what went with the banana. Chris sent me an e-mail that reminded me of his birthday. I hadn't exactly forgotten, I thought it was tomorrow (the 27th), but it already is the 27th where he is. Happy Birthday, Chris. Faye and I texted each other through skype. I always like hearing from her. But then she had to go to bed so she could get up for work. And it was time for me to go to bed.

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