Friday, May 16, 2014

Getting back to the old routine and learning something new

I set the alarm on my phone for 7CST for Cecily, hoping I would wake up before that. I woke up at 6:30. I was going to go back to bed, but then Cecily got up early ,too. So I checked e-mail and chatted with her as she got ready to leave. She pulled out about 7:38. I hope she did not get caught in school traffic. I loaded the dishwasher and ran it. I put some quinoa in a jar to soak. I read more e-mail – it just keeps on coming. I played through the choir piece for Sunday. It is one I haven't heard before since I missed the practices. I went outside thinking to get in an early mowing, but the grass was still wet. I read more e-mail and watched a cooking video for thyroid function. I put on a longer audio to play while I bounced, exercised and drybrushed. I made cucumber/carrot juice. Then I meditated. I made breakfast and ate it all. I went to the bank for cash, and ended up talking to one of the managers about rental problems. She has had them, too. Then I went to the fish market for salmon and cod. When I got home, it was time to mow. I raised the deck, but somehow it did not stay raised. I got about the same amount done as yesterday. I slid my finger along the blade to see how sharp it was, and it wasn't sharp at all. But then, I don't know how sharp mower blades are supposed to be. I ate a piece of the salmon. I parsed out 9 days worth of supplements. I took one day with Vitamin C water. Then I laid out in the sun for a little bit. When I came in, I made notes for my blog. I planted two carrot tops. I replanted a sprouted carrot top into the flower bed by the fence. I checked the pea plants and was able to eat some pea pods. The spinach was bolting, but I pinched off the flowers. I pulled weeds growing in the cracks of the steps. I trimmed things to big to pull. I dusted some ant hills with Amdro. I found some marigolds growing in the cracks, so I replanted them in the flower bed. I was tempted to trim the bushes but decided to leave them for another day. I read e-mail for awhile, then played around with my kaleidoscope software. At 6:30 I started the detox process by taking 500 mg of niacin. The flush started soon afterward. I went out to mow again. I got part of the side yard done and a few rows of the back where it is pretty tall. It wasn't really the kind of exercise that breaks a sweat. So then I put the hottest water in the tub and got in. But that did not make me sweat either. So I drank water and wrapped up in my warmest robe with fleece socks and got in bed. Still no sweat. I made and drank some hot tea and went back to bed. But still no sweat. I went downstairs to watch a video, then came up to find something more productive to do. I experimented with printing out kaleidoscopes on regular paper and photo paper. The printer needed a new color cartridge, but I couldn't remember how Chris replaced the last one. I looked it up on Youtube, and although there wasn't exactly what I wanted, I learned just enough to do the job. It took me two trys to get the paper in the right way and print one out. Then it was time for bed.

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