Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Over halfway home

I woke up at 7:15, turned on the router and drank a glass of water. I read e-mail and listened to a meditation from Oprah. Cecily got up at 8 and looked in to see if I was awake. I dressed, shut down my computer, and ate half of my breakfast. I put the rest in a small container to save for tomorrow. We were in the car and on our way by 8:45. Cecily knew the first part of the way, so she did not turn on the GPS until our first rest stop. For our second stop, we ate lunch at Cracker Barrel. During the driving, we talked, and then sang with the songs on CD's that she brought: Abba, John Denver, Phantom of the Opera, and Peter, Paul and Mary. Though rain was forecast, we did not encounter any. We stopped at the Comfort Inn just north of Knoxville. My large jar of kimchi in the trunk area had fermented and overflowed even though it was doublebagged. I tried to dab it all up with napkins. I ate some of the kimchi to make space and we put it in fresh bags. Then we walked to a nearby restaurant for dinner. Cecily noticed that the mark on my forehead was back. However, by the end of dinner, she said it had disappeared again. She speculated that it was all the water I drank during dinner. We walked back to the hotel. She watched the food channel.  I booted up my computer and it applied over 16,000 updates.  (Just tellin' you what it said.)   I read e-mail and listened to thyroid audios. She went to bed and I stayed up to finish on the computer.
*  From Paducah show  *

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