Friday, May 9, 2014

Too tired to swallow

It's hard to remember now what happened this morning. By the time I drybrushed, and fed Mom her pills and Ensure and the rest of the cruciferous juice, it was late. I wore my bathing suit because the house was so hot. I took her outside for awhile for some fresh air. I saw an ant and an inch worm struggling together. The ant wanted to carry the worm to its hill and the worm was determined not to go. But eventually they fell between the cracks in the boards of the deck and I never found out who won. Then she wanted to go to the bathroom and bed, so I put her in the bathroom. I made some veggie juice for all of us and tried to give her some, but she was too tired. I pushed her down into a relaxed position in bed. I sat and watched her for awhile, then I checked on her intermittently while I cleaned the juicer and drank my juice. Then I heard a sound like she had fallen out of bed, but it turned out to be William. The last time I checked on her, she was sitting up and wanted to go to the bathroom. So I helped her. I made my breakfast and ate it keeping an eye on her. That was about 1pm. Then Dad helped me get her up and into the wheelchair and sat her in the den. Dad called in a donation to the public radio station and they announced his name and some others after the current concerto was over.  Mom was slumped over, so I put her to bed. Dad asked me to wake him in an hour, and fell asleep under the desk. I sat in the hallway by the bedroom and listened for motion from Mom while ripping seams open in Dad's hole-y jeans. I cut some patches and pinned them to holes in his jeans and a pair of Faye's pants. I finished patching the three pairs of pants. Dad finished his grocery list and went shopping. I took Mom outside for some fresh air, hoping it would help her swallow her evening pills. That did not work. I did some tapping for her, which did not work either. I think she ate so much yesterday that she just isn't hungry today. When the daylight faded, I brought her in. She wanted to watch TV, so I turned it on. Cecily called and we came up with a plan for Sunday. I went through the pantry cabinet and pulled out all the food past the “Best by” date. I brushed out the moth debris and the webs the spiders built to catch all the moths. Then Mom was ready for bed. Dad came home at that point so I told him about the outdated food. Then Patrick stopped by and wanted to talk. Finally I pushed Mom to the back for her nightly routine. It went well until after toothbrushing. She was thirsty so I gave her water, over and over. Sometimes she could swallow it and sometimes not. It was a long struggle. After over an hour of this, I put her splints on and took her to bed. She might have wanted more water, but seemed too tired to swallow it. I told Dad where Mom was, and about Alfred's plan for Sunday. Then I posted to my blog and hopefully went to bed.
*  This is Mom with the petunia plant Faye gave her for Mother's Day  *

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