Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The magic bullet

I got up at 7:37, and read a little e-mail. I wanted to go back to bed, but I tapped and focused on drinking lots of water. I exercised, and drybrushed. When I stood up, my hand brushed one of the light bulbs overhed and it broke. I wondered how to unscrew the base from the light fixture with no bulb to hold on to, and without cutting myself. I juiced a cucumber, celery and carrots. I took yesterday's block and drove to post to get the mail, then went to the quilt group. I wrote my name on the block and put it in the basket. I talked to Jane who assured me that there should be free home health care for the elderly in Virginia like there is in Alabama. Then I talked to Beverly and Jodi. They wanted me to stay for the potluck, but I had other things to do. I stopped by the Asian store for kimbap, then came home and ate it, thinking it was better than whatever was on the potluck table. With kimchi, it tasted so good. I mowed on the side and in the front. It seemed like such a short time before the battery ran down. I laid out in the sun in my bathing suit. The sun felt like a long lost friend. I read e-mail. I tried to find contact info for my mother's doctor, knowing I had seen her e-mail address on something my father sent to everyone in his address book, but could not locate it. Jennifer called to ask me to tap for her son, and told me about his situation. I drank more water, then went outside to tap. Of course that led to yardwork. I raked under the magnolia tree and mowed under there, and in the side yard. I did not finish the yard, but maybe tomorrow. I found two marigolds growing on the property line. Where they come up shows me the flow of excess rainwater. I wonder if they were growing in the neighbors lawn before he mowed it. I picked some kale, spinach, dandelion and pea leaves. I must be the only person who tries not to mow over dandelion. While it soaked, I read e-mail, then washed and dried the greens and put them in one of the magic bullet containers. It wasn't very smooth. So I looked online at Youtube videos. Some people thought it was crap, and others used it for fruit smoothies which I wouldn't do. But I did learn that there are two blades and I used the wrong one. I cleared more e-mail, and watched a Youtube video of Marie talking about her experiences in the state department.  I also watched some tapping videos and the free material that came with them. Finally it was time to post and go to bed, but I thought about staying up to tap some more. Being so well hydrated really makes the tapping work much better.
*  This is Bertha's latest Project Linus quilt top  *

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