Monday, May 19, 2014

What to do with leftover half square triangles

My day started sometime after 7:30. I squeezed some lemon into a pitcher of water and was drinking that and reading e-mail when my phone alarm rang. I only need it on Sunday but forgot to turn it off. Tapping videos came in my e-mail, so I did a few of those. I put the Netflix movie in the mail. I played a music audio while exercising and drybrushing. I tried to figure out the blender system Faye gave me. No instructions were included. I considered turning on the heat since the house temp was down to 67, but I planned to be away all day so it seemed a bit wasteful. I juiced cucumber, celery and green beans. I cleaned up and meditated, using one of the chants. I mowed as much of the back lawn as the mower could handle. Then I packed a lunch and some purple fabric and scraps in my sewing box. It must have been about noon when I got to quilting. I was very warmly greeted. The others had finished their lunch. I set up my sewing machine and Rebecca arrived. I gave her the card with the kaleidoscope of a quilt on it. She wanted to see the software that created it, so we set a time on Friday for her to come over. She ate her lunch and I ate mine. Then I worked on the purple patches. I had some leftover purple and white half square triangles which I trimmed to 2 inches. I made a few more to add up to 12. Then I trimmed an equal number of green hst's. I made little green and purple diamonds by sewing them together. I needed more purple to finish it up. So I turned my attention to the blue and white cross project. I feel compelled to finish it even though I have decided that it is too big and I should start over in a smaller scale. I guess I have to prove to myself that I can do it. I talked to Rebecca a lot so consequently did not get more done. About 5:30 I packed up. When I got home, I ate the last piece of salmon, and the rest of breakfast. Then I mowed until the mower had had enough. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I might have a chance at finishing the lawn. I pulled wild violets out of the flowerbed and replaced them with the marigolds that came up in the driveway. I raked a barrow full of leaves and called it a day. I came in and ate half a sweet potato and some quinoa. I jotted some notes for my blog. After reading the latest e-mail and doing some tapping, I decided to finish the block I started. It is due tomorrow. I thought it would be quick, but when I came up for air, it was almost 10. My foot pedal made sizzling sounds and will need to be replaced. But the block is done and I can go to bed.

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