Saturday, May 17, 2014

Help, I'm pinning and I can't stop

I got up at 7:15, thinking that our account was strangely deficient. But then I looked at the statement and figured out where some of it went. I read e-mail, then exercised, unpacked my suitcases, emptied the dishwasher, juiced, and made breakfast. After breakfast, I started a pinterest page so I could have all my quilt pics in one place. Loading pics took a while, and was unnecessarily difficult because the pics were in the wrong date files.  And then the laptop got confused and said it could not find the internet. I switched to the desktop. It had pictures that the laptop did not have. But eventually it got confused too, but in a different way. By then the laptop had sorted itself out. As I was pinning, Denise called, and I talked to her for awhile. I went out to check the mail. You'd think with a new mailbox, we'd get better mail, but it was the same old junk mail. Bob did not replace the pole which is falling backward, but he did shim the box so that it is level. The grass was not so wet, so I decided to mow. The garage door on that side would not open. It does not seem to be connected to the opener. So I used the other side. I mowed in the back yard until I realized that I was flattening the grass, not cutting it anymore. It was a good time to quit. I turned the mower over and removed the blade with a wrench. I took 'before' pics in case I had trouble reassembling it, but there was no confusion.  I tried to sharpen the blade with the electric grinding wheel that the landlord left in the garage.  But it was turning the wrong way, and mounted such that I could not get the blade into position.  So I had to do it by hand with a file.  I hope I did it right. After I finished, I swept up the clippings from yesterday and raked some of the leaves under the magnolia tree.  I found turds on the back deck. It must have been a large dog to leave something that size. I ate a piece of fish for supper and collected some dandelion, pea leaves, and spinach for a salad. I washed the greens and put quinoa in a pot to cook. I went back to 'pinning' my quilt photos on Pinterest. It was a most addictive activity. There are 163 pic on my page now. Just as I finished the pic from the file that was open, Chris and Michele skyped me. They had been playing with the voices again. It was good to see Chris (who had video going) and to hear Michele (who was audio only). After an hour of talking, I had to finish up and go to bed. There is church tomorrow.

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