Friday, May 2, 2014

Getting out of town

I thought I was mostly done after I posted last night. The kaleidoscope software I purchased at Paducah had an add-on that I was to download from a link that was only good for 10 days. BUT, in order to download it, the software had to be installed and registered, etc. And the add-on came in 5 pieces, each of which had to be downloaded and registered. It must have been close to midnight when we went to bed.
   I got up at 7:41. I checked some e-mail, knowing that I am so far behind at this point that all the time-sensitive audios will never be listened to. I drank water, put a hold on the mail, wrote down the address of the hotel, boiled eggs, packed another suitcase, found a cord to fit CD player so we can use Faye's car's tape player, etc. They had trouble getting everything in the car. I put some kimchi in small jar to avoid taking the whole bucket.
We left around 11:30 or noon. Faye drove first, then I drove and then Kurt drove. While one drove, the other two played 2048. We had both Faye's Garmin and her tablet telling us where to go.  We made good time but did not check the time of arrival. After unpacking what we needed from the car, and plugging in all our electronic devices to recharge, we discussed options for dinner, finally deciding to go to Happy Star, a Chinese restaurant that Chris and I have been to before. The food was quite good and delivered in a reasonable time. Then we went back to the hotel. I read e-mail, watched a video on thyroid health, and did a meditation by Oprah and Deepak.  I anointed Kurt's head with oil.  I tried to be in bed by 10 CST.

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