Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mother-daughter Banquet

I got up and drybrushed before 9. Mom watched me exercise while waiting for Dad to get her pills. Then I gave her Ensure, then cruciferous juice with pills, and another Ensure. I put a load of dark laundry in the washer. I made vegetable juice, then put in light laundry. I cleaned up the juicer and the area. We all drank some of the juice. I made breakfast, and read e-mail. I put a large patch on one of Dad's shirts. Then I had to open a side seam on his pants in order to patch a hole in the knee. I put on a double patch, decided to patch ahead. I offered to make his long sleeve shirt into short sleeve shirt as better option than patching his worn out sleeves. I laid out in the sun for a little bit while Dad took Mom to the bathroom. I helped him write checks. Then we got Mom dressed. I combed her hair and oiled the flyaways. I took a moment to get myself ready, and then checked e-mail until Faye arrived. She brought me a Bullet (small blender) and coconut water and a pair of pants to mend. Dad took Mom out to the car. Faye helped and I came along for the ride. Dad stayed home. We got to church after the banquet started, but all they had done was have soup. The men of the church were cooking and serving the meal. Carol showed us where to sit, and we were served soup. While the ladies were waiting for the main course, Carol gave out prizes. One was for the mother whose daughter came the farthest. (I think it was a set up.) So Mom got a geranium for that. For the main course, we got a plate with green beans, pork, and cheesy grits with peppers. I skipped the grits. For dessert, they handed out very large strawberries dipped in chocolate. I skipped that, too. Beginning with dessert, two men with guitars played and sang songs. Some were by request, and others were ones that they wrote. Two were John Denver songs. We all sang along with “Take me home, country roads”. Mom ate a lot, but not everything. A man brought us some plastic wrap so we could take it home for Dad. After the gathering was over, I went to the restroom and got caught in a conversation on the way. Shirley told me how impressed she was with how Faye helps my parents and the church. Faye put Mom in the car while I carried the geranium. It was 9:30 when we got back to the house. Mom was ready to go to bed, so we took her to the bathroom, and dressed her and brushed her teeth and put her nighttime splints on. Faye pulled her into bed. Mom did not want any covers because it was so hot. Faye and I were hot, too. Faye stayed to talk about stuff, like her mending, and the locker organizer, and the plan for Sunday. She left about 11:30. I was amazed, knowing that she has to be at work at 7:30am. I wrote to my blog and now am headed for bed.

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