Sunday, September 21, 2014

A good performance - Finally!

Last night I went to bed inside because it was so late and I wanted to be sure to hear my alarm ring. I slept well, and it might have been because of all the 5-HTP I took today. I had the window open and it sounded like a quiet night out there.
I got up this morning and checked on the alarm. It was 7:59. So I went back to bed to listen, wondering if the open window would drown it out. But it did not. I turned on the router and the laptop. I practiced my trombone using the one piece I worked on yesterday. I looked at the other piece, but there was nothing to go on to fill in the blanks. I got the laundry up from the basement. I exercised, and took my supplements. I checked e-mail and made breakfast. I read about the benefits of kale and wondered why I haven't planted any yet. I have the seed packet sitting on the counter in the kitchen. I watched part of an X-File episode again, looking for the x at the bottom of the screen that indicated a deleted scene. This time I found it. I listened to an audio designed to put one into a zen state. Before it was over, I realized that my time was growing short. I took a shower and dressed for church. I packed up my trombone and its stand and put them in the car. As I drove, the song “Get me to the church on time” came into my head. I could not remember the original words, so I wrote my own.
“I'm playing trombone in the morning,
ding dong the phone alarm will ring.
E-mail will miss me, neighbors will SHH me,
but get me to the church on time.”

And I did get to the church on time. In fact, it was like being early because the adult Sunday school class had not yet vacated the sanctuary where we (the praise band) needed to practice. When they did, we set up and practiced the first song. It went ok, but the soloist was missing because he did not get the memo about practicing. Then we practiced the second song. I sang but did not play. That went well. Then we all sat in the roped-off section for the service. My trombone sat on its stand next to me. We performed the first song when the choir usually does its anthem. For the first time, my part sounded like it fit the song. I was happy with it. But my heart was thudding afterward. Then we sang the second song during communion. After the service, I got a lot of compliments. Even Art Miller said it and he strongly prefers traditional music. But he liked the glissando at the end. Tim asked me to consider taking over the financial secretary job (counting money). As I handed in my 2015 giving slip to Art Lange, I offered to help him count any time. Then I put my trombone in the car and drove to Publix. I got the usual groceries along with something labeled “Yellow Yam”. As I walked out to the car, I was over come with a feeling of optimism and high energy that I have not felt in years. I attributed it to something new I am doing or ingesting this week. I came home to put the groceries away and change my clothes. I ate some fermented cabbage, and tried the new kind of cheese. It was incredibly salty and I could not eat it. I found a piece of fabric to back the dove pulpit cloth. I pinned it on. Then I auditioned several fabric for binding. I chose one and cut the strips and sewed them together. I ironed it in half and sewed it onto the edges of the quilt. I was taking a chance binding it before quilting it. But it was after two. I packed it with thread and scissors in a tote and drove to the group that meets in a storage building. While I hand-sewed the binding down, we talked and commiserated, and teased. We had a good time. One by one, we packed up and went home. I left with the last of them. I came home to have a bite to eat. Chris sent me an e-mail to go to the rental agent, asking for my thoughts. I sent him my version of it for his approval. Then we skyped for awhile. I got concerned that the rental agent would not have time to approve our e-mail (necessary for legal purposes) so I sent my version to her before Chris sent back his thoughts. She did not respond so I hope she got it. I went downstairs to join the ends of the binding so I can finish the hand-sewing at some point. Then I came up to check e-mail. I got a confirmation e-mail from Chris. I tried to get into our health care site, but it would not accept the data I gave it. I will have to call them tomorrow. Then I called my dad to see how he was doing. I wrote to my blog and went to bed.
*  This is a raffle quilt that another guild made and displayed at our meeting  *

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