Friday, September 5, 2014

Dressed in red

Last night I went to the breaker box and turned off everything except the fridge, the water heater and the AC. I did not need the AC but its breaker did not want to move. Then I went to bed. I fell asleep sooner than in the past few nights. But when I woke up, I cannot say I felt any different. I contemplated whether I could live with so many things turned off, and decided no, so I turned the breakers back on. Then I fired up my computer. I read some e-mail, and got dressed. I took out the recyclables and the Netflix movie that came yesterday. I did not watch it and still cannot figure out how it got in my queue. I watched Dr. Cassava in a Youtube video making his morning connectivity drink. I watched several of his other videos, too, making fermented veggies. I looked up shortcuts on Firefox to try to figure out why the down arrow in e-mail acts like a 'page down' key. No luck there. I listened to an audio on double helix water, but I didn't understand why it was supposed to be so wonderful. While listening, I was exercising and juicing, watering, and cleaning up. I made breakfast and started stacking the dishwasher. I cleared e-mail, then found two posts about the page-down shortcut. One answer was to press F7, but that started playing my CD. The other was to press SCROLL-Lock, but I couldnt find any key with that label. I read a pdf about the 21 best detox diets. I ran the dishwasher, and prepared vitamins for the next week. I got online to order more, but left the items in my cart hoping the company will send me a coupon to finish the deal. I put some of the items on amazonsmile.  I wrote myself a list of everything I need to do on Sunday for Rally Day.  I hope I did not forget anything.  I went outside to mow. I did the side yard and then moved to the part where I lay out in the sun. While I was mowing, my neighbor mowed along the edge of his yard and then through the back of mine where all the brush was growing (up until Monday when I mowed it down). I guess I didn't mow it short enough 'cause he went through it several times, mowing a little shorter each time. I mowed as much of the mid-back yard as my mower battery would allow. Then I plugged it in, and retired to my sewing room. I sewed red strips to muslin squares, trying to keep the color value consistent and fan out the strips. My foot pedal kept running fast and at one point the needle hit something hard and broke. It was not a pin, so had to be either the foot or the bobbin. When I finished the row of 6 squares, I came up for a bite to eat, and wait for Chris. When he arrived online, he called me, but we had a lot of connection problems, so ended the call early. I cleared a couple more e-mails, and then posted to my blog, intending to go to bed.

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