Tuesday, September 2, 2014

This trap comes highly recommended

When I went to turn off the router last night, I passed my trombone. I hadn't really practiced it, so I took the opportunity. Then I went to bed. I was unable to sleep, and at some point realized that I had not finished the job I intended to do. So I had to get up to turn the router off. This morning I heard the alarm but waited it for It to finish before I got up. I was sleeping with my head at the foot of the bed and my feet on the pillow. I had trouble sleeping last night so it was very tempting to stay in bed. I drank some water and started a 20 minute oil swish. Last night lying in bed, I was feeling overwhelmed and asked my angels for an idea on how to prioritize my day into something more productive. Then this morning I got the idea of seeing what my morning would look like if I did not read e-mail or get on the internet. So, instead of turning on the router, I swept and vacuumed the floors in the diningroom, kitchen, den and hallway. Fortunately I was able to take notes for my blog without the benefit of internet. I made of list of things I need to do contribute to the feeling of overwhelm. I wrote a check and put it in the mail with the Netflix movie. I was very happy that the two consecutive days of no mail service are over. I scanned some music into MS Paint to remove all the notes I don't need and to try to get it down to two pages. When I noticed the time, I quickly juiced, and cleaned up, then went to the bank for cash. I swung by the Asian store for kimbap, and then fill the tank with gas. I arrived at the massage place just in time to write in the gas book and then get my massage. She worked on my tight left side, both the back and the arm. I shared some of my kimbap with her. She offered me an hour of ear acupuncture for $20. It sounded like a good deal so I accepted. But laying there was uncomfortable because of the pillow. When it was over, my back was stiff again, so she kneeded it out. On the way to the farmer's market, I stopped at another Asian store for a young coconut. Then at the farmer's market, I bought a dozen pastured eggs, and a beef tongue. When I got home I had to water the plants in pots. I ate the rest of my kimbap with kimchi while I checked e-mail. Then I worked on cutting and pasting the sheets of music together to make two sheets. I listened to an audio on dirty electricity and its effect on mortality rates.  The speaker alluded to a device that plugs in the wall as a solution, but did not elaborate. 
Jennifer called to talk about a sample kit she bought and a new massage place. I listened to an audio with David Wolfe. He is studying the health effects of different pigments. He said to eat orange foods to fight inflammation. While listening, I pulled extra paper from the paid bills and consolidated the important parts into less space. I practiced the music I taped together to make sure it was readable and accurate. I went through my online junk mail folder 'cause our real estate agent says her e-mails might have gotten lost. I did not find any from her, so all I know is what she wrote today. I was doing a meditation when Chris skyped me. He is taking a conversational Spanish course. After he hung up, I looked up fruit fly traps and made one.  I read more e-mail and posted to my blog.  I can't wait to see how many flies get caught tonight.

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