Thursday, September 18, 2014

From overly-emotional to totally bored

I was tired last night and just fell into bed in the house. I appreciated that it was darker in my bedroom than in the tent. Maybe my intuition was at work, because it rained last night. I could hear the cars swooshing by this morning. I was waiting to hear my phone alarm, but finally got up anyway. It was almost 9, so I missed the alarm somehow. I took out the recyclables. I read e-mail and there was a message from the real estate agent BCC'ing me on an e-mail to the tenants. Finally armed with the husband's accurate name, I looked it up and saw that he was convicted of domestic violence. So I wrote her and she said yes it was him. Then I saw that he was a convicted felon. That threw me into a tizzy. I juiced, and listened to part of an audio while I considered. Then I tried calling people I know who might have some advice. I e-mailed Chris and called his father and our agent in Huntsville. Al called back and we spoke. Then the agent in Pinehurst called while I was outside pulling wet bedding from the tent and spreading it on the fence. We spoke and she assured me that the laws are stricter now and under the new lease, we will have options that we do not have now.
On my way to the car to go to Stitch-its, Denise called. We talked about the situation briefly. Then she had to go, so I went on to the quilt group. I spoke to some of them. One said its too bad I don't 'know' someone who can 'take care of' the situation. Hmmm. Denise called back. After going through the whole thing, she said it sounded well thought out. But I remember last night a voice in my head saying “Get them out now.” After listening to an audio on intuition yesterday, I had to wonder how much weight to give that voice. When I went home, I made breakfast and ate it, listening to another audio, this one on the advisability of dental implants and bone grafts. Then there was one on nutrition for women. I brought in the mail. Netflix had graced me with another X-Files DVD. All the bedding was dry, so I refolded it and put it back in the tent. Then I pulled the tarp over the top to keep out any rain and excess light. I went downstairs to work on piping for a few minutes. Then I came up to check e-mail and get ready for guild meeting. I changed clothes to something appropriate for air conditioning. And put on my name tag. I grabbed two books to donate to the quilt auction next month. When I got there, I stood in line to have my picture taken for the directory. When they mentioned that they had found my picture from last year, I encouraged them to use it and I went to find Jodi whom I was supposed to join for Comfy Quilts. She took my name tag and went to get tickets for both of us. (We get raffle tickets for bringing our nametags.) We sat and answered questions about the Comfy Quilt program for those who stopped by. Then the meeting began with the usual line up. When they got to our part, Jodi asked for tall people to help show the donated quilts off. That left me free to do what I like best – take pictures of them. Afterward the quilts were folded and stuffed in bags. I told her I would help her carry them out at the end of the meeting. I regretted that decision because the program was long and boring. Linda Carlson gave a history of four-block quilts. She said she had 150 slides and I believe it. I am glad I don't snore. I would have walked out early if not for my promise. When it was over, someone else beat me to helping Jodi carry the quilts out. I was so tired it was hard to drive home – only three miles. Chris was waiting for me on Skype. We talked about the day's events. He did not see a downside to the offer. So I guess I will sign it when it comes to me. Anyway, I drank some water, did some tapping videos that I hadn't gotten to yet, and downloaded the pics from my camera – and deleted them since the memory is almost full. I am writing to my blog now and expect to go to bed soon.

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