Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Making Quinoa Protein bars

I got up before 8, started reading e-mail, decided to look up “O Canada” on Youtube. I heard William Shatner 'sing' O Canada, (as a spoof) then get roasted by Will Wheaton. I read e-mail while listening to an audio called Beyond Germ Theory. I opened my coffee detox folder and went through that process. When I was finished, I took some niacin, and watched my skin flush. The book “Clear Body, Clear Mind” says that niacin flushes out radiation because the people who took it flushed in a bathing suit pattern as if recalling a past sunburn. But in my flush there were no strap marks, although it did skip certain parts usually covered. Then I dressed warmly, and pulled my car into the sun. I filled three water bottles and brought the book. I read the book, trying to sweat. Then I took a bathroom break, and refilled the water bottles. I went back and this time sweated. When I took a second break, I made veggie juice, and cleaned up. I sweated some more with Sudoku. Then I came in to cool off and read e-mail. I took a shower, and got dressed. I brought in the mail, but there was nothing good. I looked up how to use quinoa and chia seeds in recipes. I put some almonds and quinoa in dishes to soak. I watched Youtube videos on juicing to get rid of parasites. I boiled thin slices of ginger in one pot and beef bones in another. I ate some beef clinging to the bones before I left. It was tough. I put the ginger tea in a jar. I put the beef in a jar but left the bones in the pot to simmer again when I got home. I went to choir practice with my tablet and music folder. My phone rang in the middle of it, but I just whispered that I couldn't talk and hung up. After practice, Doris gave me a list of informal classes at the college that she is taking, hoping I would sign up for one or more myself. Then Jennifer told me about her recent massage and gave me a coupon in case I wanted one myself. Then I went outside to return the phone call. When I got home, I put the bones back on simmer. I drank some of the ginger tea and decided it needed diluting. I rinsed the quinoa in a mesh basket, then drained, peeled and chopped the almonds. I got out my only jellyroll pan to mix it and other dry ingredient in and toast them, but when I put it in the oven, the door would not close! So I put it in sideways at an angle, hoping the mixture wouldn't slide off. Then I boiled some peanutbutter and maple syrup in a large pot. I mixed it with the toasted stuff and spread it on cling wrap and put it in the fridge. I could just hear the bugs begging me not to clean up the bowls and spoons, but I did. I checked my computer to see if Chris was on yet. Then I practiced my choir music and highlighted my part. Chris still wasn't on, so I wrote my blog post. Then I sat and listened to part of an audio, still waiting for Chris. 
*  This is Lauri's quilt top taken on Monday *

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