Monday, September 29, 2014

Driving on the road

I tapped last night until I could sleep, and I did. I woke up before 7:30. I went in the house and checked e-mail. I called our agent and she told me the tenant had not opened the docusign agreement. But she did get a hold of the father and he was going to come visit her today. Then she had to go, and promised to call me later. I laid down until 8, then I started my morning routine. I put Netflix in the mail and put the garbage out by the curb. I listened to an audio while I exercised. I tried to e-mail the lady who left a voice message asking me to chair the fellowship committee, but it came back saying she did not have a yahoo address. I did an extra line of stitching on the banner to support the rod pocket, and pronounced it totally finished. I measured pillow tops to see what size pillow forms are needed. I came up to see what sizes are available, and got lost in e-mail. I listened to a tapping video as I washed vegetables for juicing. I got sidetracked tweezing my eyebrows. I listened to a video on ADD/ADHD/autism by John Gray. He is into nutrition now. He reversed his own Parkinson's. It all comes down to dopamine. He explains in his book more about hydrotherapy, glutathione, oxidative stress, avoiding Tylenol (it suppresses glutathione), etc. I called and talked to Parker at length. Tenants still haven't brought money. The wife didn't know and is in shock. We explored the idea that yard work may be a substitute for the money they owe. I tried to change Chris' dental appt, but had no luck. I packed a lunch, and went to quilting. I talked to the women while they were having lunch. Jodi needed help so Bertha and I planned to do that on Friday. I forgot that I might have a conflict. Lauri offered me a driving lesson so we went to my house and got Chris' car. She drove it to the church next door to quilting. The engine sounded funny when she drove it. I practiced on the slopes in the parking lot. Then I tried it on the road going back into the neighborhood. That road turned left and ended on Drake. So I turned to go home, uphill. The car stalled and the people behind me pulled around me as I re-started it and got underway. I just drove straight home and parked it. Then we came back to quilting in my car. I helped Bertha work on Barbara's quilt. Then Bertha left, to care for a dog she is babysitting. At 4 Carolyn and I packed up to leave. Lauri stayed to wait for Virginia to come back from her doctor appointment. I finished breakfast and ate my lunch. I raked in the back yard to take advantage of the last of the sunshine. Then I read e-mail and listened to an audio. I remembered my conflict on Friday and wondered which activity I should choose. I went downstairs to work on pillow tops. I measured them, and fussed with the extra fabric until I could cut two identical backings. Then I sprayed the tops with water and pinned them to the ironing board to block. I hoped that would make up for some weirdnesses, but it did not turn out as well as I imagined. I checked up stairs thinking I had heard the phone. It had been Denise so I called her back. She was asking where I buy my supplements. Then it was back to work. Leaving the tops pinned, I laid out foundation blocks for the next banner. I pinned and sewed strips on to the center of each block. When I came up, Chris was waiting for me on skype. We talked for a little while, but did not have much to say. So he went to bed, yawning. I stayed up to blog and tap before going to bed.
*  this is the fabric I used to make the kaleidoscope yesterday   *

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