Saturday, September 27, 2014

Laundry day

It was another beautiful, quiet night. I slept well and did not have to get up to p. I woke up around 7, and went in when I felt like it. Since I went to bed so late, I crawled in my bed and laid there until 8:30. Then I turned on the router and fired up my laptop. I cleared some e-mail and read others. I don't remember exactly how it went now. I did my exercises, listened to an audio, juiced, ate breakfast, did laundry (only one load because there were so few things). I watered the kale seeds. I baked sweet potatoes and a yellow yam. I pulled a jar of fat from the fridge to coat the potatoes, but it smelled bad so I threw it out. I found another jar of fat and broth. I boiled it and found there were pieces of meat and cartilage in it. I ate those and poured off all but the fat. It was hard to tell. All that went in the fridge. When the laundry was finished, I folded it and put it away. I did several Sudoku puzzles. I sat and tapped. When the sweet potatoes had been in the oven for two hours, I took them out.  I figured they had to be done. But the yam was so thick, it might not have been. I laid in the grass as the sun went in and out. I went downstairs to finish quilting the banner. I also did the handsewing. I was going to save that for Tuesday, but the need to have it done and out of the way outweighed the need to feel productive on Tuesday. I noticed the sun going down, so I checked my e-mail quickly and then got Chris' car keys. I drove up and down the driveway, turned around and drove into the back yard. This time I was brave enough to drive around to the front yard, happy not to have hit the fence. Since the front yard is on a hill, I tried backing up from a stop. I stalled the car a couple of times. But that is all part of the learning. I parked the car back in the carport and called it a day. I came in to see if Michele was online, but she wasn't. I finished the binding on the banner. When I came up, I saw that Michele was on. So I responded and we talked for not quite an hour. Then I put in the latest X-Files DVD from Netflix. I had just started watching when Chris came online. So he and I talked for awhile. After he signed off, I watched that episode and another one. They were both pretty scary. Usually Chris watches the scary parts for me and tells me when to look again. But he wasn't here, so I had to peek now and then. It was time to blog and go to bed, but I wasn't sure I wanted to try sleeping with those episodes still on my mind. So I looked through pictures of quilts on Pinterest before going to bed.
*  These are the blocks I finished on Thursday  *

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