Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Waiting for Chris

There was a lot of noise last night. It sounded like a big vehicle moving slowly around the neighborhood. I could not imagine what that was about. I tapped, relaxed and went to sleep. I did not need a bathroom break in the middle of the night.
I woke up before 8, and swept out the tent, then went in the house. I read through my e-mail. I saw that the tenants have already accepted the new price but they want stove and dishwasher replaced. I listened an audio on Six Simple Things to Balance your Brain, Belly and Booty ” which were broccoli (sprouts), bubbling (fermenting), being (relax and notice thoughts), bronzing (sun exposure), bathing (with baking soda and epsom salts), baking (substituting for flour and other ingredients). I swished with coconut oil, and exercised, and boiled coffee. My second audio was Eliminate Anxiety and Emotional Eating Using Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids. That was pretty good. I finished my detox, and then talked to Parker about the tenants wanting us to do the yardwork because of the higher price. I am not sure what that was about since they don't do it anyway. I laid out in the sun, and this time no clouds interfered. I picked tomatoes, oiled them, and put them in the fridge. I sent a note to Parker about defining their part of cleaning up the yard before we take over it's maintenance. I juiced veggies and some sweet potato vine. It wasn't half bad, but the juicer did not like the fibrous nature of it. I drank the juice and then cleaned up the juicer. I also cleaned the pot and pan from last night, and the kitchen sink and bathroom sink. I took a shower, and made breakfast. Parker and I talked about the new rental agreement that is expected to be signed tomorrow. I raked leaves off of the porch, the patio, and in the back yard. I put them on the garden. I ate some meat that came off of the bones I boiled last night. I listened to a tapping audio while looking at a quilting catalog that came in the mail today. Before it finished, I had to change clothes, and iron my wrap-around pants. Then I took my tablet to choir practice. It came in handy for some of the unfamiliar songs. When I got home, I drank water with ginger. I finished the audio. I spent a few minutes pinning and sewing piping in its fabric strip. Then I practiced my trombone just enough to say I did it. I sat at my laptop, typing up my notes for my blog, waiting for Chris to get on Skype. I sang Disney songs with Youtube for quite a while. I was getting frustrated at how late it was. I packed the recyclables into their respective plastic bags. I tied up the trash. I skype-texted Chris. I took the recycling and trash outside to their appropriate resting places. When I came in, I saw that Chris had replied, so I replied to his reply and went to the bathroom. Then he skyped me and we talked shortly. He was tired and went to bed, and I am more than ready to go to bed.
*  Pic taken at the Chattanooga show  *

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