Thursday, September 4, 2014

I swear I was busy all day...

Last night I couldn't sleep so I decided on a change of venue and went into the basement. Somehow it worked. I woke up before the alarm, and was upstairs reading e-mail when it went off. Jennifer called. She told me what a long wait she had at the DMV yesterday to get her new license. I bought the kindle version of a book on the effects of electrical fields on modern society on Amazon and had trouble getting it to the tablet and then reading it. I found my CD titled “Effortless Efficiency”. I played it while exercising and juicing. I listened to short videos on EMF effects until almost noon. I was just about to walk out to my car to go to quilting when Denise called. She told me about her trip, and then William called so I hung up with her. He said the new car cover arrived and it fit.  I notified the company.  I tried to lay out in the sun and read my kindle book but sun went behind a cloud and I could not make out the words anyway. I finally got an e-mail back from Chris who said he simply went to bed as soon as he got in last night. I called Parker and we talked about what kind of offer MIGHT be acceptable from our tenants and if not, they have to be out by the 15th. We also sent test e-mails back and forth to see if there is a problem with any of her addresses because the e-mails don't always show up. I called Denise back and we talked about the rental property. I recharged my phone, and then called Dad because I found a message from him, but apparently it was an old one. I looked up EMF ratings for cars, and mine puts out a pretty low field comparatively. I tried to confirm that what the rental agent told me was true (that the tenants COULD NOT get a loan from any bank without two years of tax returns so if I want to sell to them I have to wait 2 years).  I still don't know.  Finally I did lay out in the sun. I checked the mail and found the paper quilting pieces and templates for La Passacaglia came in the mail. I mowed in the back yard. I picked cherry tomatoes, 2 small cucumbers, and 1 regular tomato so I will have something to juice tomorrow. I put the fruit fly trap outside because some of the little buggers are finding their way back out. I studied the breaker box to see what circuits I could live without in the interest of cutting down my exposure to dirty electricity. Much of the labeling was hard to read and not one word about bedroom circuits. Parker had asked for a list of what we left in the garage so the tenants would not take that with them. I wrote down what I could think of, and then looked for old pics to help me remember. But they were nowhere to be found on the desktop so they must have gotten lost when the harddrive died. I got off track reading XKCD comics on the desktop. I played through a piece for tonight, and took a shower. I turned the AC back on. I ate a sweet potato then packed my trombone to go to practice. I got there a few minutes early. Doris suggested that with all the time on my hands I should take classes. I told her my schedule was full. She said she had to learn to say no, and so should I. I guess she did not realize that I was telling her 'no'. After practice Jennifer and I worked on the really fast piece so I could get my part in sync with the keyboard. Then I followed Jennifer home to find out where she lived so maybe I can watch Project Runway with the girls another time. She had a birthday cake for Tamara that needed writing. I was happy to do that. Then I drove home and skyped Chris. After he hung up, I re-created my day for the daily blog post. Then I turned stuff off and went to bed.
*  These are my jars of homemade sauerkraut.  I can't wait to taste it.  *

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