Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Cash for keys

I went to bed in the tent, but woke up this morning inside. In the middle of the night, a critter crawled under the floor of the tent, waking me up. Then nature called, so I had to go in. And then I just laid down in the bedroom and went back to sleep.
I laid in bed through both alarms, getting up eventually. I checked e-mail and swished. I got an e-mail from Parker and we played phone tag. When we talked, we decided to hire the lawyer and pay him out of the funds from last month's rent. I juiced 5 lemons to make lemon water. I have been meaning to juice them for several weeks, so I was pleased to see that they were still good. I did the coffee detox. I listened to two audios, one on brain changing and one on habit changing. I juiced baby kale, sprouts, a pepper, and celery. After I drank it, I laid in the sun, which stayed out for a whole 20 minutes. Then I made breakfast, and ate breakfast. I called Jennifer and left a message. I showered, dressed, and brought in the mail. I e-mailed a bill to Chris. I rearranged the bedding in the tent to make it more comfortable and to be further from where the critter crawled under. While I was lying in it as a test, I tapped. I got the feeling that the eviction would be cheaper and easier if we made a 'keys for cash' offer before committing to an attorney. I came in to call Parker to find out if it was too late. When we finally connected, she agreed to call the lawyer and then the tenant. I read e-mail, then made enough binding for my latest quilt. Jennifer called asking to meet me at the church in 15 minutes. Parker called to say the tenant was floored and in a panic because he never thought we would evict instead of negotiating. I agreed to give them until October 15th and two weeks free rent if they turned the keys over and left the property in good shape. Then I ran to meet Jennifer. I made it just before she got there. When I got back, there was nothing more from Parker. I wrote her an e-mail confirming what was said on the phone, and suitable for forwarding to the tenants if necessary. I recharged the tablet for choir practice. I finalized the Swanson and Amazon orders. I was on a roll, having completed several things I did not think I would get to.  So I went down to my sewing room.  I wrapped the newly made binding on a piece of cardboard and put it with the backing. I did the math for two blocks that are due on Monday. I exchanged my shorts for pants and took my tablet and music to choir practice. What did I ever do before I had a tablet? It came in very handy since the strong altos were not there tonight. After practice, Pastor brought me a pair of his wife's pants to repair the hem. I told him they would have to wait their turn.  The I talked to Jennifer who told me all the things that were bothering her.  I told her what was bothering me, and we hugged. 
When I got home, Chris was not on Skype, so I went downstairs to work on the blocks. When I realized how late it was, I came up to check. He had texted me a message but not called me on video, so I did not hear the sound. I texted him back, and he called me. We talked for a short while and I brought him up to speed on the tenant situation. Then I presume he went to bed while I posted to my blog.
*  This was a class sample from Tuesday, showing how a quilt can be made with as little as one stack-n-whack block.  *

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