Monday, September 1, 2014

Another day, another commitment

I got up before the alarm went off, but it still woke me up. Apparently I laid down again in the process of getting dressed. I turned on the router, played a few notes on my trombone, then cleared e-mail. I brought in the rain water. While filtering it and running it through the coffee maker, I listened to an audio on the benefits of phycocyanin (the blue pigment in spirulina). I looked it up online, then on Swanson's. I put mint tea and white tea bags in the jars of hot rain water. I saw fruit flies so I took out the garbage. I looked up how to get rid of fruit flies. I put vinegar and liquid soap in a small jar and let it sit out to catch them. I exercised, juiced, and meditated. I made and ate breakfast. I packed my sewing stuff, and went to church. I worked on Barbara's quilt with Bertha. I agreed to help Jody with community outreach at the big guild. I came home about 4:15. I ate had some hummus with coconut oil, and checked e-mail briefly. Then I went outside to rub coconut oil on the tomatoes to see if that will slow down the black spot virus. One tomato cage had fallen over and would not stand back up because the tomato vines had all grown to one side. So I got some fabric strips to tie it to the cage next to it. I used more strips to tie up vines that had grown up over the cage and down the sides. Then I walked to the easement at the back where the pokeweed grows. I dug out the bigger ones, then got out the mower and chopped it all down to size. My next door neighbor offered to spray it all with Roundup, but I declined. Then I took the mower over under the trees where I never mow 'cause it is mostly dead leaves. I mowed all the little stuff trying to come up there. Then I cut back the four o'clocks which were old and falling over from the weight of the rain. I know from previous experience that they will not stand back up, but they will regrow. I swept that debris onto the yardwaste pile by the carport. I was pretty sweaty then and thought I might have come in contact with poison ivy, so I took a shower right away. I did not know what to wear, so I put on my nightgown since I was done for the day. Then I called my dad to wish him a happy Labor Day. He told me how he hired someone to clean the gutters and put on a gutter guard, but they hadn't done it yet. Then he had to get his dinner, and I had to get mine. I ate the last piece of beef tongue. I drank some white tea, and watched a TED talk by a lady comedienne who was Arabic and had CP. Chris skyped me. I got sleepy and nearly dozed off, but still had to post to my blog. I kept thinking of things I wanted to look up, but it was time to post and go to bed.
*  This pic was taken at Stitch-Its on Thursday  *

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