Saturday, September 6, 2014

Laundry Day

Last night I unloaded the dishwasher before I went to bed. But I was not able to sleep because of digesting my last meal – hummus, garlic clove, coconut oil, and an avocado. I did some tapping and prayed not to vomit. Eventually I sat in the den for awhile so I wouldn't be lying down. When I heard a roach crawling on the counter, I slapped at him and missed. Then I realized I was feeling better and went to bed.
I woke up the next morning, knowing the alarm wouldn't ring and guessing it wasn't 8 o'clock yet. But I was wrong. When I got up, it was quarter to 9. I decided to set my phone alarm to ring tomorrow and discovered how to make it ring on the weekends. Gee, you'd think info like that would be in the manual! I swished, and took my pre-breakfast supplements. I cleared e-mail, and listened to several audios. I watered the plants inside the fence. I read a pdf on EMF and RF sensitivity, and all the places they can be found in a home. I juiced carrots, tomatoes and sweet potato vine. I drank it with sea salt, baking soda and ionic minerals. Then it was time for breakfast. I finished the pdf, and played another short audio. I got out the mower and cut half of the front lawn. I expected to get further since I had raised the deck. I brought in the mail and there was one bill. I sent Chris the bill info. Then I went back out to do some trimming along the edges of the driveway. When I came in, I realized that I hadn't submitted the Amazon order from yesterday. At the bottom of the page, other products were listed, including freshly harvested miswak. That intrigued me so I had to look it up. It is a special tree twig for cleaning teeth. I read articles at the electricsense site. I wanted some softboiled eggs and figured if I cracked them into hot water, I could tell when they were just right. So I did, but they did not cook in one piece. Instead, I had egg soup. It made a mess in the water, and I lost some egg that way. I read that a person can check electric fields with a portable AM radio. So I got a boombox from the basement, and tuned it to then AM band between stations. It was not exactly portable since I had to plug it in (did not have 10 D cell batteries). I went looking for rf fields with the Ghostbusters theme playing in my head. Not sure if it being plugged in affected the outcome. Then I went into the basement to get my gauss meter. It told me that there was an intense field around the breaker box and the fluorescent lights in the sewing room. And any time I pointed it up or down, it registered a strong field. I am not sure what that signified. Anyway, since I was in the basement, I started working on the red banner project. I worked with the next value of red on the second row. I stopped abruptly when I realized that the day light was waning and I still hadn't mowed a second time. So I rolled out the mower, cleaned the grass clumps from earlier, and did as much of the rest of the front yard as I could. I put the mower up and came inside for a drink. I saw in a Facebook post how someone stored their fabric folded over hanging files in a file cabinet. Seemed like a pretty cool idea. I read several chapters of Clear Body, Clear Mind. I refilled my coconut oil containers, read about dianetics on internet, and started laundry when I finally remembered that it was laundry day. I went through my music for tomorrow and practiced. One sheet was missing and I can't figure out how it got away. Michele skyped me and then Chris joined in. We had a nice chat and then I had to hang up, go get the laundry out of the dryer, and go to bed.
*  This is the fabric storage pic from Facebook  *

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