Sunday, March 1, 2015

First boo-boo

I got up at 8, checked e-mail and swished. I soaked the seeds, and tried to get all the shells out of the pea sprouts. I spent way too long at that, so I rushed to finish and then started eating breakfast, but had to stop to take a shower and get dressed for church. I spoke to Terrie about making a pall, and promised to send him something in writing. I wondered why I had just added something to my already too long list of things to do. I practiced with the choir. After the service, I tried to catch Art as he counted the offering. Jennifer gave me a bag of something she called dried chick peas. I talked to the pastor. Then I went to the grocery store. I got the usual food minus what I did not eat from last week. I went home and put the frozen and refrigerated stuff away. I quickly finished breakfast while watching a video on making a braided rug from old t-shirts. I changed into shirt and pants, and rolled my sewing stuff to Chris' car. I drove to the church on the corner. I asked Keril about how to trim up the triangles. She gave me a package of wedges, and Norm showed me how to use them on a foundation block and add strips to each side. I trimmed some triangles. As Bertha was leaving, she signaled me to follow her to the parking lot. She said she backed into my car. I said it was Chris' car. When I got home, I washed the bumper well to see how much paint was scraped off vs how much was her car paint. I hoped it was just an exchange of paint, but it was definitely scraped off. I took a picture. I came upstairs to check e-mail . When I turned on my phone, there was a message from Cecilia asking me to sing for her at the Wednesday night service, I called her back and said I would be uncomfortable since I have never even heard the piece. We talked about her doctor appt on Wednesday. Then I checked e-mail again. I listened to versions of the Holden Service to see what she was talking about. I ate sweet potatoes and onions for supper. I tapped through the sleepiness that came from eating. I threw the laundry in the washer, and then skyped with Chris. I threw it in the dryer, and finished our Skype call. I watched two videos on “The One Thing”, and “The Practicing Mind”. I wiped the table looking for the second needle for my hexecontehedron which I was working on. Then I noticed that the terro was gone. I put away the rest of the groceries, and called Dad to make sure he was ok in the ice storm. I played several tapping audios and got sleepy. I checked on the laundry, and it needed a few more minutes. I soaked the broccoli sprouts and the pea sprouts. I figured the sunflower seeds were not going to sprout since they showed no signs of it by now. I decided to post to my blog and go to bed.
* Maybe she did me a favor. I was worried about making the first scratch on his (relatively) new car. *

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