Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I guess this is it

I got up before 7:30. I turned on the router and swished. I found a message on my phone that Michele was in DC and giving me the number. I checked e-mail, and exercised until the swishing was over. Then I called Michele. We had a nice conversation and I also talked to Cecily. I juiced and called Dad. Then it was time to leave. I grabbed my bag of handsewing and went to quilting. I talked to a number of ladies, sharing my story of having to decide whether to move to Korea. I talked to Beverly while someone slipped a gift into her bag. I showed off the fall Linus quilt top. I tried to remember that the weaving class is next week. After leaving there, I went to the Asian store for kimbap and sprouts. I asked the lady if she knew about Chinhae and all she had heard was of the cherry blossom festival. I ate a few pieces of kimbap in the car on the way to the dentist. I wished I'd had time to go home and brush. And, while sitting in the waiting room flossing my teeth, I wondered why I felt the need to be on time. The hygenist called me back, and asked me if I was on any new medications and I said no. She said that was rare, and talked to me at length about how her doctor kept trying to get her to take calcium supplements but she wouldn't. Then she took bitewing x-rays and the dentist came in to check my teeth. Then I got my teeth cleaned, as she rambled on. When it was over, she suggested that I get a 20 minute appt to check my nightguard. She and the dentist feel that it would stop the clenching, and that that is critical. She also scheduled me for another appointment in October. And, she said they meet every morning to choose a patient of the day. Who? Me? She presented me with an umbrella. (for the rainy season in Korea?) I paid and drove home. I ate my remaining kimbap with kimchi. I opened two windows and turned on the fan. I mowed the parts of the lawn that are getting leggy again. I came in and took my supplements and ate a banana with cinnamon. I put in my night guard to try it. I cleaned the juicer. I worked through e-mail, tapping or reading as indicated. I plugged my tablet into my laptop to recharge it, and it did something funny – turning off and on. I tried it on the desktop and it did the same thing. So I found the little thingy that allows it to plug directly into the power strip and it seemed to do better. I worked on gluing more diamonds for the hexecontehedron. I used paperclips to hold the edges down until the glue stick dried. I also tried clothespins but they were not flat enough or strong enough. Small binder clips worked when I ran out of small paperclips. I had to re-cut a set of diamonds because I had cut one set to the template size instead of a quarter inch larger. Parker wrote to say that she showed the property today and the couple seemed very interested, but were just starting their search. I did more gluing when I found another package of paperclips. I also found another glue stick that worked better because it was just a little dryer. I looked online for hampers or baskets to fill a space in the Airport Road house. I made breakfast and ate it. I was listening to an interview when Chris skyped me. We talked for over an hour and a half. He said he was told that he really needed to take this job by someone who knows how difficult it is to get this promotion. I made him promise that he would not leave me alone to make decisions and to pack, and to travel. And he would put my desires above those of his subordinates when it comes to vacation time. He said all the right things and I couldn't think of anything else to ask him to promise. So I said ok. And after he hung up, I burst into tears. I won't be miserable forever. But I am not happy about leaving. And I always knew we would leave here one day. So I guess this is it. And with that, it was time for bed.
* This is Lauri's quilt. She is so prolific. In the time it takes me to decide what pattern to make, she finishes a quilt. *

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