Friday, May 15, 2015

Almost rained today

The phone woke up me at 7:45. I could not get to it before it quit ringing. I called back to find out it was the water company, but I got their voicemail. I left a message and then discovered that they left me a message. The message said the leak indicator was tripped so probably a leaking toilet. They would leave toilet tabs and turn it off. I assumed it was the water but could have been the leak indicator. Anyway, I called Parker and left her a message, then went back to bed. At 8 the alarm sounded. I went to the den to turn the phone off. I looked for my purse but it was my shoe that was ringing. Apparently I left my phone in my shoe instead. I turned it off, and soaked my sprouts and turned on the computer. The sprouts were not doing well and I blamed the tap water, even though it was a day old. They grew great when I used rain water, but it hasn't rained in a month. I cleared e-mail and looked at yard pics that Parker sent. I tried to sign up for a live tapping interview, but it was set up to register from Facebook – meaning that I had to allow their app to receive my info from Facebook. I declined. I went outside to water the plants. The sky was overcast like rain was coming, but I watered just in case it did not. I worked the Sudoku puzzle for Thursday. I tried to answer the questions on the Revaluation sheet (for contesting the new tax assessment. It is adding to the monthly payment that the prospective buyers would have), but needed Parker's input – she was at her kid's field day. They are having hot air balloon rides because the kids did a total of 1 million math problems. I juiced kale, spinach, carrots and celery. I called Dad who was in the grocery store. I told him about the birthday party. The postman dropped a box on my porch and left. I heard it and opened the door to pick it up – supplements. I still had to go to the mailbox to get the mail. I made breakfast and ate it while reading e-mail. I stacked and ran the dishwasher. I sat and tapped for some time, knowing that my future opportunities will be limited. I took a shot of chlorophyll. I laid down and tapped. I tapped in front of my laptop with an article that has been open for over a week. I had forgotten to exercise. I did some. Chris skyped me just before unplugging his router in and returning it. He consented to sing me a song – All I need is a miracle. I wrote up my notes for the test pattern and e-mailed it to the quilt company along with the pics I took in progress. Then I went downstairs. I chose fabrics and cut out pieces for the May DGS blocks. I ironed, and stacked the pieces. My phone rang. Pat was calling about going yardsaling tomorrow. Then I went back to cut 5in squares. I tidied up, and came up to watch an episode of X-Files. I was so tempted to watch two, but decided to save one for tomorrow night and maybe the last one for Sunday with Chris. It was 10 anyway and time to blog and go to bed.
* This tomato plant is from Publix. I have gotten 4 tomatoes from it so far. *

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