Saturday, May 2, 2015


I heard the alarm go off at 8 but elected to stay in bed. I guess it was all that yard work yesterday. I was having a dream where my arms were really heavy and hard to move. I used one arm to reach over and grab the other one, but when I grabbed, there was nothing there. So about 8:30 I got up to turn on the router and vacuum the fan of the laptop before I turned it on. I happened to look out the window and saw that the people across the street were having a yard sale. So I quickly got dressed and walked over. I met Christy and Chip. Very nice people. When they heard my husband was in Honduras, they offered any assistance I might need. I offered to let them put garbage in my garbage can since they had so much and the city did not pick up the extra last week. I bought a top and a dress. I tried them on at home and the top was really cute, but the dress made my stomach look big. I put on an audio and started exercising. My phone rang. It was Art wanting me to make a copy of the offering sheet from last week. He wanted me to bring it up to the church this afternoon. I made the copy and went back to my audio and exercising. I swished and did some unstitching and restitching. I had sewn one of the diamonds the wrong way. Can you tell which one? I listened to an interview with Sir Paul McCartney. He talked about being vegan and growing his own organic food. I had just finished breakfast when I got an e-mail from Chris about the one I proposed to send to Parker. I skyped him to talk about it, but he was involved in getting the self-cleaning cycle of the oven to start. Then the call dropped. When we reestablished the call, I found a blog that described how to program the self-cleaning cycle. We discussed his version of the e-mail and I promised to send it. After that call, I called Art to ask if I could e-mail him the copy of the offering sheet. He said yes so I did, which saved wear and tear on my transmission. I went outside to mow in the back yard. Then I put on my bathing suit and trimmed grass in the front yard in near the driveway and around the big tree. I brought the Servantkeeper manual outside to read, but ended up sun bathing instead. I came in to check e-mail but there was a tapping article and I read it and did some tapping. I probably ate something. I used all the dirt collected from various plant pots and potting plants to make beds for marigolds in the cement blocks that line the driveway. I planted two lilies from church. I took out the trash because it was attracting fruit flies. I mowed again. Then I washed my feet. I sliced up lemon peel and scattered it in the vegetable beds where critters are digging up the ground. When I came in, I found Parker's response, which I sent to Chris. I looked in basement for batting strips for tomorrow, and heard the skype sound so I came up. I talked to Chris,and Michele was busy playing a game. I was exhausted, so Chris let me go. I picked some lettuce and kale and made a salad. Eating helped the exhaustion a little. I listened to an audio on how to keep healthy during air travel. I stacked and started the dishwasher. I did Sudoku puzzles while listening to interviews on travel and then sleep. The last one recommended banana tea. I picked a splinter out of my thumb. I wished I had started the washing machine first because I could wash dishes during the dryer cycle. I paused the audio on sleep to put laundry in washer and look through batting strips (I have enough to fill a closet) for wide ones for quilting tomorrow. I loaded a bag and brought it up. I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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