Friday, May 1, 2015

Fresh air

I woke up soon after 7, but decided not to get up. Although I did, once the thought occurred to me that the three of us will never live together again, like we did in Pinehurst. It was a very painful thought. I have had it before, but it hurts every time. I got up to distract myself with busy-ness. I turned on the router and laptop. Parker called. She said we could not give the buyers cash or even an appliance allowance due to VA regulations. The lender rep was telling her that a verbal and unwritten agreement to do so was the only way, but Parker was not comfortable with that. So I asked her to write up whatever she thought would work as long as the net to us was the same and she agreed to do it. I used vinegar and baking soda to alkalize. I listened to interviews from the 2015 Food Revolution Summit. I exercised, juiced sprouts and carrots and a squash. Then I meditated. I made breakfast and ate it reading e-mail.
I spent all afternoon doing yard work. I only intended to spend an hour, but was so rewarded by the difference it made, that I kept going. I cleaned out the ditch and pulled weeds away from the bottom of the trees, and did some of the edges of the sidewalk and driveway. When I came in, it was to have some supper. I opened the windows and turned on the fan. Parker had e-mailed me her version of two counter offers we could make to net the offer we wanted to make that would not be acceptable to the VA. It was in spread sheet form that came out in 6 disjointed pages. I wrote back and she sent me a png form of one page, but when I printed that out, it came out as 2 blank pages. Till I got something I could use, I wasted a bunch of ink and scrap paper. I had e-mailed it to Chris and he e-mailed it back in four pages arranged by quadrant. That made more sense. He skyped me and we talked about it. We could not figure out all her math. After he hung up to go to movie night, I sat with the figures and compared it to the offer I had talked about yesterday. I composed an e-mail and sent it to Chris for his approval. I did the 'evil' Sudoku puzzle for this weekend, thinking that it wasn't so bad. I sat to do three short meditations that were in an e-mail. Then I tapped through some of the meditations that came with the book I ordered. It occurred to me that if we bought a house here in Huntsville, I could have a hot tub again, and that was a very compelling idea. I meditated on that for awhile. Then I watched an episode of X-Files. Before it was done, Chris skyped me. He sang me a song, we talked for awhile, then he hung up. I finished the episode and went to bed.

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