Monday, May 11, 2015

Phytoplankton - mmmm

I set my alarm for 7. It went off every 10 minutes for the next hour. I got up soon after 7 and did my exercises in my sleep (so it seemed). I swished, and watered the plants. I juiced and made breakfast. I listened to part of an audio on sleep. Then I had to get my folder and go to church. I talked to Linda about using Servantkeeper. There was a balance class using the fellowship hall and another group using the garden room. So Art and I counted the offering in classroom 4. We did not have any major problems. When I left the church, I went home to change cars. I took Chris' car to quilting, stalling once. There was a good group of ladies there, and I was glad to see Dinah. Carolyn suggested I take over Dinah's job of putting up pictures on the bulletin board. I was not opposed to that, but my printer is out of colored ink. I sat next to Lauri. I worked on my blue Renegades blocks. At one point, only three of us were left. A lady related to Morgan (I think) came in with her younger sister and three of her kids. They wanted to learn to quilt and make it part of their homeschooling program. So we told them to come at 10 on Monday's. After they left, Carolyn left too. Then Lauri and I stayed to stitch and talk. We left about 5 when I ran out of foundation blocks. So I went home, and brought in the mail. I thought about mowing, but I was hungry. So I picked kale and salad greens and a pea pod. I added spinach and a tomato from the fridge, and some sunflower seeds. I ate the salad while istening to an audio. I turned off the AC and plugged in the fan after hearing about mold spores. Then I paused the audio to do some raking. I decided not to mow on a full stomach, so I pulled weeds until it was time to skype with Chris. But he wasn't on yet. I took a picture of a corner of the roof that looked rotted. I started a Hay House meditation. I could barely hear her voice over the music. I paused it when Chris called. We talked and then he sang. I showed him the package that came today. He told me to open it, and it turned out to be a welcome packet from Chinhae. Among other things, there was a map of Changwon. I was unable to locate the base on the map, but Chris said that is because it is so small. After the call, I looked up Burt Goldman and his dwadle technique for Jennifer. I sent her the link. I sent a picture to Sharon about the roof. I took some fabric downstairs and noticed that the light in the tornado room was on. That concerned me because it is on a motion sensor. I knocked on the door and did not hear any movement, so I left it alone. I worked the Monday Sudoku puzzle. I opened the other package – it was a bottle of phytoplankton. The reviews talked about how bad it tasted. So I took one of the empty capsules from my supplements and filled it with drops of plankton. I swallowed that with a glass of water – no taste at all. I swept the kitchen, and washed the berry bucket, getting it ready to return to the farmer's market tomorrow. I went downstairs to take a pic of one of the test blocks with coordinating fabric around it. I finished an audio about visualization and intuition. I cleaned up the dining room table. I cut up another foil wrapper. I meant to write up my notes for the test quilt, but it got too late.
* This is Lauri's quilt *

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