Wednesday, May 6, 2015


I woke up early this morning. I got up to audition fabric for the squares from yesterday. It was hard to audition them like the pattern. I decided I did not like the pattern and would have to do what fit the squares best. When the phone alarm went off, I came up to start my Wednesday practices. I watered the plants in pots early. I swished, exercised, rebounded, and drybrushed. I made hot water and coffee. I juiced. I put on my suit and filled my water bottles with warm salt water. I got to the sauna just after 1. I spent over an hour sweating. Four other ladies came for a short period of time each. Three were black and one was Asian. The thought struck me that I seldom see another Caucasian woman in the sauna. I took a shower and dressed. I was home soon after 3. I went to the mailbox, but all I found was a Publix grocery sack. I guess it was supposed to be a reminder to fill a bag for the homeless. I called Silvia but she did not answer. I watered plants in the ground. I checked e-mail. I dug up the volunteer marigolds and replanted them by the driveway. I looked up the planting order for my raised vegetable bed. I identified squash and cucumbers as needing to be replanted into the ground. But where? I made up a shaker of mixed spices for my breakfast. I made and ate breakfast. I took my supplements. I listened to another travel interview. I started an episode of X-Files. Chris skyped me and sang me a song. The niacin kicked in and turned me beet red. I had to run off to choir practice. The ladies had to come early to sing a mother's day song with the kids. Then I sat with Doris. Cecelia gave me her strawberry bucket to return to the farmer's market. Practice went well. After, I talked to JenQ. She said her husband had been stationed at a navel base in Korea a long time ago but she did not know where. I drove home. I finished the episode of X-Files and watched another one, thinking Chris would call back when he got back from bible study. After the last episode, I looked up songs on Youtube and sang with them. Somehow I ended up singing with Helen Reddy in Pete's Dragon. I quit soon after 11. I wrote my blog post and sent Chris a message on skype. He called me before I could title the post. He told me he had texted me on skype but for some reason the message was not delivered. I titled my blog, posted it and went to bed.

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