Sunday, May 3, 2015

Busy day

I had a dream where I was walking down a road mostly covered in water. I saw a storm coming, so I crouched at the bottom of a tree trunk and threw my arms around it. When the storm was over, I picked my way back, climbing over debris. There were people looking for drinking water. I was looking for Chris. I saw him go into an auditorium. I could not find him then so I sat alone. It seemed to be raining inside, and I tried to protect a nearby laptop. Everybody left then and I still couldn't find Chris. Then the alarm rang. I got up. I had put the dryer on damp last night, so now put it on regular. I turned on the router and laptop. I made up a weeks worth of supplements. I started unstacking dishwasher when I heard the dryer. I got the laundry out and folded it. I exercised, and swished. I made breakfast and ate it while checking e-mail and listening to audios from Healthy travel summit.
I read that sauna use is associated with longevity due to its effect omn HSP and Foxo3. I realized with a shock that I only had 15 minutes to shower, dress and leave. I put the rest of breakfast in the fridge to protect it from the desperate fruit flies. I made it to church by 10:15 and then realized I did not need to be there until 10:20. I talked to Art and Don then went into the sanctuary to practice with the choir. JenQ played her native flute and it went very nicely. Then I sat in the pew to wait for the service. I told Don that Chris was coming back in two weeks. I had to admit that he was coming back to pack and Don seemed very upset that we might be moving. I wished I hadn't said anything. Then the service started. I had my offering envelop ready when the plate came, and wondered why I had worried about that since I could always bring it later to the count. After the service I complimented the lady behind me for her voice. She told me her husband preaches at another church – at least that is what I think she said. Anyway, I realized that Art was counting without me, so I rushed in there. He was having a discussion with someone about people writing checks to Heifer and giving them to the church. There was no loose cash to count, so I signed the slip of paper to that effect, and left. I talked to Megan. She said her baby would have an operation this summer. I can't imagine what the CAT scan showed. Then I left to go to the grocery store. I had my list with me and rounded up the items quickly. The organic lemons were the same ones they had last week, just softer. I won't buy them next week if fresh ones don't come in. I checked out and drove home. I put the groceries away and grabbed the quilt top and batting strips. I watered the potted plants on the patio as I went to Chris' car. I drove to the church on the corner for Renegades. They loved the quilt top, and asked me to make a backing for it. I picked out some brown, orange and green scraps to make the backing. But Keril said to use up homespuns, and she gave me a pile of green ones. Then Rebecca had a large piece of orange that she said I could use. It needed to be wider so I sewed on a strip of red. It was too colorful for my quilt so I went back to sewing the greens together. I had made it long enough but not wide enough when Rebecca said it would be perfect for her quilt, and she was absolutely right. So I sewed on another strip and gave it to her. Keril said I needed another strip across the top of the orange one for a leader so I did that, and used it for my quilt after all. Then we helped clean up and put the fabric back in Lynette's car. It was after 4 when I left. I went in the house to get my folder, and put the garbage can out by the street. Then took my car to church. Art was already there and set up. He had the 8am service envelopes in order. I recorded them while he made me a copy of the April 12 counting. I did much of the recording myself. I felt good that I was getting the hang of it. I wanted him to check behind me, but he almost always says no. But anyway, it tabulated perfectly the first time. And the paper roll rang out just then. So he left while I struggled to get the next roll ready for next week. Then I headed home. Something told me to stop on the way and buy salmon at the seafood shop. It did not make sense since I bought ground beef, but I did it anyway. The lady asked me what I do all day since I don't work. I told her I quilt. She asked me if I could help her shorten pants, and I said yes. But after I left, I realized she had no way of getting in touch with me. When I got home, I put the fish in the fridge. I changed my clothes and ate part of it with lemon juice. Then I went outside to water the rest of the plants and mow. I finished the front yard and came in to skype with Chris. He sang me a song that I had requested. Then he hung up. I watched an episode of X-Files where Fox finds fabric hearts from a killer and wonders if one of them belongs to his sister. That part did not make sense because he was there when she was taken and surely remembers what she was wearing, since he remembered what was on tv, their discussion, the game they were playing and where his parents were. After the episodes, I was going to clear e-mail and watch another one, but it got too late and my laptop downloaded updates and wants to reboot. I also found a package on the front porch containing a new shower filter. I was going to soak it like I have before, but the directions were different this time and it wasn't mentioned. I looked it up online and still no mention of soaking before attaching. So I decided to post to my blog and go to bed.

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