Saturday, May 23, 2015

Reunited with my daughter

The lavender oil I put on my feet seemed to work. In spite of a toilet that ran every 10 minutes and people watching TV in nearby rooms, and street lights shining in around the curtains, I fell asleep. I woke up early, even for Eastern Standard Time. We did not get up until the alarm went off however. I took a shower and Chris went out for coffee and breakfast. I read e-mail and mixed up a breakfast for myself. Chris packed the car and we got on the road. We listened to another book on CD. We ate eggs for lunch. I drank another bottle of rain water. Drinking water seemed to help make the drive more comfortable. We stopped at a gas station to use the bathroom. The book on CD talked about cupcakes and I decided I needed my chocolate bar. It had been sitting in the food box in the sun. When I pulled it out, it was liquid and dripped all over me. I ate it as best I could. We got to Richmond about 3:30. Michele was waiting to give me a big hug. After we said our greetings to Cecily, Al, Marie and Michele, I changed my top and Cecily scraped the chocolate off the first one with a cake knife and spray-n-wash. Then she did a load of laundry and the chocolate was gone. Michele gave me a beautiful amethyst necklace. I gave her the clothes I brought, one of which was a Copan t-shirt that shrunk in the wash. Chris had Honduran t-shirts for all of his family. We met Marie’s dogs Rowan and Jasper. Rowan is a huge Scottish elk hound. Chris helped Al put a new cover on the hot tub. I wish the old one would have fit our hot tub in Pinehurst. Then we went to Rosa’s to eat. I got shrimp scampi without the pasta. The waitress brought me chicken noodle soup as a substitute but that did not work for me. I had enough to eat. Michele brought some of hers home. It was extremely cheesy. Cheese is hard to get in Korea. We sat in the den and chatted. Al told us how his brother was doing much better. Eventually we all went to bed. I posted to my blog and worked on this photo to get the bright spot dimmed.

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