Sunday, May 17, 2015

The party's over - or just beginning

I woke up before 8. I had heard the rain falling in the night. So I got up to wash the collection tubs and put them out. But the rain seemed to have stopped at that point. Still, the weather site was calling for more precipitation. I swished and exercised. I checked e-mail. I sponged off and got dressed. I had to plug in my phone. Pat called to say they were on their way. I did not know how long it would take so I tried to keep an eye out for her and her grandson as I busied myself with small tasks. When they drove up, I was ready with my purse and fanny pack. We went to three estate sales and were surprised how little stuff there was. The last place had a personal sauna. The lady said you could pull the walls up and put a chair in and fill it with water. I could not see how it would work, and it was marked $800. She said it was only $400 today but I wasn't going to take a chance on that kind of money. Then we went to two thrift shops. I got a top and a glass pitcher. We stopped at Zaxby's so her grandson could eat. Then we went to another thrift shop. He stayed in the car while we looked around. I got an organic t-shirt. It was way too big for me but all they had were XXL's. Then she took him home and then me home. It was a nice morning out. I made breakfast and ate while checking e-mail. I tried to look up personal portable saunas, but could not find one that looked like a covered plastic sandbox like the one I saw earlier. I put part of the hexecontehedron project in a bag, and drove to quilting. I started handsewing as we all chatted. Denise showed up with a quilt top she made from a bag of leftovers that I had given her. We went to the storage unit so she could use magnets to pin it up over some backing and batting that she had. But it was not big enough, so Debbie gave her another piece. We packed up about 6. Debbie and Paula went out to eat. I drove to Hancocks because Denise said they were having a 40% off sale and I wanted some quilting gloves. Chris called while I was driving to Hancocks to say he was in the Atlanta airport. I did not find the gloves, but there was lots of fabric 50% off. So I piled a cart. As the lady was cutting it, a deluge of rain hit. It was a little scary but I was glad because it would fill my collection tubs. On the way home, I wondered if I had enough gas to go to the airport and then to church tomorrow. When I got home, there had been no deluge and not much water in the tubs. I picked a salad, and washed greens and cut up wild onion. I ate it in front of the laptop, listening to an audio. It was delicious. I ate some beef too. I threw out the sprouts because they smelled and there was no saving them. I started to clean up. Beverly called to talk about Row by Row. She saw the rectangle of stamped fabric one store was going to sell for their part. They were going to charge $5 for it. That seemed like an awful lot to me, and I wasn't going to pay that at a bunch of shops just to say I collected as many as I could. I threw the laundry in the washer. I turned on the AC because I knew Chris likes it cooler. I cleaned in the kitchen. Chris called from the Hunstville airport. I finished cleaning, and then drove to the airport taking the highway. I sat in the pick-up lane but did not see Chris, so finally pulled into a parking spot. I cleared my passenger seat. And then I saw Chris roll his baggage to the end of the sidewalk. At first I wasn't sure it was him, so I walked over there. I greeted him with a big hug. We loaded his baggage in the back of the wagon and he drove us home. We changed the sheets. I threw the laundry in the dryer. We fell into bed....
* One of the ladies brought this quilt to bind *

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