Friday, May 29, 2015

Just us chickens

We woke up before 8 but stayed in bed. I got up at 7:50 to start my day. I swished and watered the plants. They were still moist from the last rain so I just did the potted ones. Then I sat at my desktop to check e-mail. I did a tapping script from yesterday. It did not have as much energy as yesterday so that must be progress. Again, I ran into trouble deleting e-mail. I looked it up on Bing and short of reverting to Yahoo Classic, one solution seemed to be trying another browser. So I opened my e-mail in IE and was able to delete. I was doing my exercises when Chris tempted me away. Then he took a shower and brought up a basket of trash from the garage. He pulled out the stuff that needed shredding and put the rest in bags that I held open. Then he shredded while I fixed breakfast. Making breakfast took a long time. First I spilled the chia seed and had to get out the vacuum to sweep the shelf. Then I ran out of the spice mixture so I had to make more. I also ran out of daily doses of supplements, so I had to make up more of those, too. Then I finished making breakfast and ate it while reading e-mail. Chris went to a luncheon for someone he knew at work. I meditated until he got back. Then I repotted seedlings: tomato, squash, cucumber. I scraped dirt from the leaves rotting in the driveway to give the seedlings a good bed. I drained water from wheelbarrow with the decaying vegetation. It was a compost tea. I used it on the seedlings. Chris left again to go on post to get his plane tickets. I washed off and changed my clothes, and then we drove to Harvest for honey and duck eggs. We also got horse manure; some of it pretty fresh. The owner showed Chris her mealy worms, and chickens and blueberries and flowers, etc. She had a pen with a group of chicks and a duckling. She also gave me a salad shooter. When we got back, I drank some salt water and went out to mow in the back yard. It looked terrible: mostly weeds and large brown spots. Unripe apples had fallen from the tree. When the mower quit, so did I. I clipped tall weeds and would-be trees from the flowerbeds. When I got a warning from my back, I quit. I came in to find Chris shredding old bills. I jotted some notes for my blog. I ate some beef and lentil stew for supper. I also picked some kale and mixed greens from the flowerbed. I worked almost a week of Sudoku puzzles to catch up. Chris washed some cherries and fed us both. Then we watched at least three episodes of X-Files before going to bed.

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