Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A real fruitcake

I got up after the alarm went off. I had a lot of watermelon juice in me which needed to be let out. Then I turned on the router and laptop. The spider web was still up, so I tore it down with an umbrella, vowing to get rid of the spider because it was too much work. I don't want to clean up after a husband, much less a spider. I could not find my detox paper, so I modified and printed another one. I also made a copy of the pattern I picked up yesterday. I squeezed lemon into a quart of water to drink while I read e-mail. I washed the coffee pot again and put water in it to heat up. I read an article about how better plumbing in the form of clean water and waste disposal and not vaccines was responsible for eradicating disease. I added things to the moving lists as I went through the detox procedure. I heard a talk on gluten. Gluten is the only molecule so far that they know the immune system remembers. Once sensitive to gluten, you will always be sensitive to it. But other foods seem to be able to be reintroduced once the gut lining has healed. I juiced cauliflower leaves and carrots, then cleaned up, made breakfast, and meditated. I ate breakfast, and read about a new product called Homebiotic: its a probiotic for your home, You spray it in places where mold is likely to occur and the microbes destroy toxic mold colonies. It needs refreshing every 6 months. I read about flashlights that are charged by the earth's magnetic field and electrosmog so that they recharge themselves every day; no plug in or batteries needed. But they cost $99. Wondering what was bringing the ants in, I started cleaning cupboards in the kitchen. As the sunlight waned, I decided to mow in the front yard, and then do some trimming. I opened my coconut, only to find that it was rotten inside. This is the second rotten one from Publix so I won't buy any more. I cleaned all the cabinets above the stove and the countertop underneath. I frosted the watermelon cake, but did not have any fruit to decorate it with. I got a call from VCU. She wanted to know if I had any favorite classes or professors (from 30 years ago), and a donation. I watched “The Imitation Game”, a movie about Alan Turing and the computer he built to win the war for Britain. I paused it when Chris skyped me. We arranged for me to get a frequent flier card with United because that is the flight I will be taking to Korea. Then I finished the movie. It was fascinating. And sad at the end. I posted to my blog, fed the pets, and went to bed.

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