Wednesday, September 9, 2015

They're coming!

I woke up to the alarm, but stayed in bed to do some mental programming. One of the statements I programmed was that I would be good at picking audios that were enjoyable and informative. I checked e-mail while drinking my quart of vinegar water. I boiled water while starting my exercise routine. Then it was time to pick an audio but Yahoo was being very slow loading e-mail all of a sudden. Or was it just with e-mail that came in during a certain time period? Maybe it's my laptop because I got on the other computer and did not have a problem. I played an audio (really long) while exercising, drybrushing, rebounding, and detoxing. When I went back to my laptop, e-mail was working fine. So it was just inexplicable. I strained the kefir from yesterday and got the curds out. I cleaned in the kitchen and bathroom. I scanned some pages from the transportation office and e-mailed them to Chris. I called the eye center to cancel the automatic appointment they made for Chris. I had to leave a message. Steven spoke to me on skype. Maryann was there, too, and told me she got me some license plates and patterns from a quilt shop there in Texas. She also talked about hundreds of kids showing up for Halloween in Chinhae. Steven suggested that I hand out something that looked like candy but wasn't sweet, and when they got home to eat it they would not remember who gave it to them. After the call, I looked for healthy candy on the internet, but nothing nearly satisfactory. I juiced a zucchini, celery and romaine. I watered the plants, and then drank the juice. I laid out in the sun while it was still high in the sky. Then I sat to meditate. Beverly called for advice on borders for a baby quilt she wants to make by Saturday. I did the best I could with not being able to see the fabric. Then she had to go to work and I resumed making breakfast. I sat down to eat it at three. I looked on Amazon for nuts that come in 2 oz packages, for a reasonable price for large lots. I rubbed whey in my hair and took a shower. I got dressed for choir. Again, I searched for snack packs of nuts (in large lots for Halloween). Steven called me. So I talked to him and MaryAnn again. I brought in the mail and a pepper from the garden. I put the recyclables out for tomorrow. Then I went through the mail. I should have done it before I took out the recyclables. Most of it would have gone in there. I ate some beef tongue, then checked the latest e-mail. Yahoo wasn't making it easy, but once a certain portion of the e-mails had been deleted, the problems disappeared. The sky darkened, the wind picked up and the rain came pouring down. I braved the onslaught to put out my collection tubs. I practiced my trombone, which I had been forgetting to do. I went to the garage to stitch up the tears in Kurt's quilt and start ripping out the binding. I had to stop to go to choir. It was nice to see Doris and Shannon again. Jennifer gave me a jar with some goji berries in it from the plant that I gave her. I left at 8 and it was not really raining. I found my phone sitting on the dining room table, and it had a message. I called back. Linda asked if she and my other friends could visit this weekend. Well of course I said yes, but looking around I knew I had work to do. And their coming was just the motivation I needed. Still, I put on the Netflix Dvd that came today, and watched until Chris skyped me. We talked for some time, then he had to go back to work. I finished the Dvd, wondering why I had put it in my queue. It was a disc from the second season of Outlander. Then I fed my pets and went to bed.
* Flowers growing outside my diningroom window *

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